
The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships With Insecure Attachment Styles

The power of touch is profound in romantic relationships. Touch serves a multitude of functions right from the moment of birth. The sensation of skin on skin offers a feeling of safety, security, and calmness that lets you just be, take everything in and grow without having to use up your attention span and [...]

By |2024-05-02T17:44:47+00:00May 2nd, 2024|Anxiety therapy, Couples Counseling, Depression Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, Intimacy, stress|Comments Off on The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships With Insecure Attachment Styles

How to Make Sure You are Being Heard by Your Partner

Are you being heard by your partner when you speak openly from your heart? You may get all the right outward signals that your partner is listening, giving you the impression that you have been understood. There may be a tacit agreement to a certain plan or point of view. But then, a short [...]

By |2024-05-01T16:26:02+00:00April 9th, 2024|Communication Problems, Couples Counseling, Family of Origin Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, Intimacy|Comments Off on How to Make Sure You are Being Heard by Your Partner

Flushing Out the ‘Same Old Argument’ for Meaningful Communication

Tired of the same old argument with your partner, despite trying hard to keep the focus on the present moment? Perhaps you’re fed up with how easily the same old argument creeps in and leads to the same wounds being poked at. You wonder if it’s worth bothering trying to make your point, because [...]

By |2024-03-06T20:10:33+00:00March 6th, 2024|Anger Stress and Health, Communication Problems|Comments Off on Flushing Out the ‘Same Old Argument’ for Meaningful Communication

Giving Up and Giving in to Maintain Romantic Relationships

Giving up on important aspects in your relationship is deflating. Giving into your partner feels as if you are denying important parts of yourself in favor of your romantic relationship. Giving up on something you want, or giving up on getting through to your partner is a sense of defeat and or disempowerment. Giving [...]

By |2024-03-11T22:47:20+00:00February 8th, 2024|Individual Counseling, relationship issues|Comments Off on Giving Up and Giving in to Maintain Romantic Relationships

How Well do you and Your Partner’s Relationship Rituals Match up?

Relationship rituals form the glue for connection, comfort, predictability, stability, and safety in adult romantic relationships. But when partners don’t place the same importance and meaning on a ritual there is a mismatch. The mismatch of relationship rituals is a significant contributor to cracks in the connection between couples. The lack of fit when [...]

By |2024-01-09T18:55:10+00:00January 9th, 2024|Communication Problems, couples therapy, Intimacy|Comments Off on How Well do you and Your Partner’s Relationship Rituals Match up?

Food as a Power Tool in Intimate Relationships

Food as a power tool is the currency of all significant relationships beginning with that between mother and infant. The dynamics of using food as a power tool plays out in future adult romantic relationships, having been wired in so early. Food as a power tool is used as soon as you are born. [...]

By |2023-12-18T19:40:36+00:00December 18th, 2023|couples therapy, Family of Origin Counseling, Intimacy, separation counseling, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Food as a Power Tool in Intimate Relationships

 Does Revenge Karma Work in Intimate Relationships or is it Magical Thinking?

Thoughts of  revenge karma are so sweet! Especially when you have suffered at the hands of a loved one and have to suck it up. Imagining that the perpetrator will get their comeuppance one day offers some comfort.  Revenge karma involves a belief that there is a higher power that knows who is good [...]

By |2023-11-22T00:13:00+00:00November 17th, 2023|Affair Recovery Counseling, Anger Issues, Depression Counseling, Family Counseing, Individual Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, relationship issues|Comments Off on  Does Revenge Karma Work in Intimate Relationships or is it Magical Thinking?

Emotional Availability See-Saw in Romantic Relationships

Both men and women often complain about having an emotionally unavailable partner. But emotional availability is a two-way street. When one person is emotionally available, the other person may not be receptive. One may be full up with internal conflicts, and unable to register their partner’s need for emotional availability. The other may have [...]

By |2023-10-12T00:35:10+00:00October 12th, 2023|Communication Problems, couples therapy, Family of Origin Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, Intimacy|Comments Off on Emotional Availability See-Saw in Romantic Relationships

Stonewalling – An Intergenerational Power Tool in Insecure Relationships

Stonewalling is a form of passive aggressive interaction where one person in a close relationship withdraws from the other, to punish you for wounding them and making them feel insecure. In order to manage the threat of that insecurity they turn the tables and attempt to shift the insecurity to the other person. It’s [...]

By |2023-09-14T17:53:11+00:00September 13th, 2023|Abusive Relationship Counseling, Anger Issues, Anxiety Treatment, Family of Origin Counseling, Fear and Pani, Insecurity Counseling, Parenting Counseling|Comments Off on Stonewalling – An Intergenerational Power Tool in Insecure Relationships

The Three-D Profile of an Emotionally Abusive Person

An emotionally abusive person doesn’t just diss you or call you names. An emotionally abusive person is much more subtle and has three specific ways that make you feel bad in return for feeling powerful and good. It’s important to have their back story to understand what made them into abusers, what the reward [...]

By |2023-08-09T22:03:36+00:00August 9th, 2023|Abusive Relationship Counseling, Insecurity Counseling|Comments Off on The Three-D Profile of an Emotionally Abusive Person
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