Home/Depression Counseling

The Salience of Feeling: Experiencing Depression vs. Understanding It

By |2024-07-16T19:11:58+00:00July 16th, 2024|Depression Counseling, Family of Origin Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, relationship issues, stress|

Experiencing depression that feels like a heavy weight, covered by a dark cloud Ursula a 25-year-old high school math teacher described this “heavy thing in my gut and chest, that’s always there. I’ve had it ever since I can remember. I can’t have any fun. If I try to rest or have fun, I [...]

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The Power of Touch in Romantic Relationships With Insecure Attachment Styles

By |2024-05-02T17:44:47+00:00May 2nd, 2024|Anxiety therapy, Couples Counseling, Depression Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, Intimacy, stress|

The power of touch is profound in romantic relationships. Touch serves a multitude of functions right from the moment of birth. The sensation of skin on skin offers a feeling of safety, security, and calmness that lets you just be, take everything in and grow without having to use up your attention span and [...]

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 Does Revenge Karma Work in Intimate Relationships or is it Magical Thinking?

By |2023-11-22T00:13:00+00:00November 17th, 2023|Affair Recovery Counseling, Anger Issues, Depression Counseling, Family Counseing, Individual Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, relationship issues|

Thoughts of  revenge karma are so sweet! Especially when you have suffered at the hands of a loved one and have to suck it up. Imagining that the perpetrator will get their comeuppance one day offers some comfort.  Revenge karma involves a belief that there is a higher power that knows who is good [...]

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Letting Go – Why You Can But Why You Don’t

By |2023-05-11T20:23:26+00:00May 11th, 2023|Anger Issues, Depression Counseling, Family of Origin Counseling, Individual Counseling, Insecurity Counseling|

Letting go aint easy, as the song say. Isn’t it infuriating when a close friend, or family member tells you to “get over it,” or “just let go.” It’s a double whammy – not only are you already feeling unstable through a wound, but the intolerance of loved ones makes you feel even less [...]

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Signs of Depression -Origins and Purpose

By |2021-02-15T19:18:11+00:00February 15th, 2021|Depression Counseling, Family of Origin Counseling, Insecurity Counseling|

Feeling Depressed? What are the Signs of Depression? Signs of depression seem obvious at first, right? – you feel low, or down; lack energy and motivation, and also ‘don’t care.’ But are these actual signs of depression or just reactions to life not going your way? How do you know whether you are just feeling [...]

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Covid-19 Related Anxiety and Depression –

By |2020-09-16T16:47:41+00:00September 16th, 2020|Anxiety Treatment, Depression Counseling, stress|

Covid-19 related Anxiety and Depression Covid-19 related anxiety and depression rates show a 29% increase from pre-pandemic times a year ago  Are you part of the 1 in 3 people experiencing anxiety and depression during this pandemic? Perhaps you feel irritated more than you used to, helpless in a situation where you have no control. [...]

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Stress Eating, Being Overweight and Depression

By |2019-05-19T00:51:24+00:00May 19th, 2019|Anger Stress and Health, Depression Counseling, Fear and Panic, stress|

  Stress Eating, Being overweight and Depression Stress eating, depression and being overweight results in hopelessness, helplessness, and hiatus. Stress eating,  being overweight and depression  begin in childhood, alters your hormonal balance including insulin,   propelling you into a trifecta of depression, dis-empowerment and despair. Stress eating, being overweight and depression starts in childhood and continues into [...]

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Spouses With Depression Have a History of Childhood Trauma and Emotional Abuse

By |2019-04-17T16:41:17+00:00April 15th, 2019|Anxiety Treatment, Couples Counseling, Depression Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, Uncategorized|

Spouses with depression suffer intense marital problems due to a history of childhood trauma and emotional abuse Spouses with depression face insecure and rocky marital relations. When one spouse has depression, it’s hard for the non-depressed spouse to feel connected and alive in the relationship. But when both spouses are depressed, the stakes go through [...]

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Self-Defeating Behaviors Lead to Depression

By |2018-12-20T23:37:32+00:00November 16th, 2018|Anger Stress and Health, Depression Counseling, Insecurity Counseling|

Self-Defeating Behaviors Lead to Depression The term ‘Self-Defeating behaviors’ sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? Why would anyone want to defeat themselves? What’s in it for someone to go against their interests? Who wants to feel like a failure by engaging in self-defeating behaviors? What could possibly be worth feeling sucked dry of energy, motivation and self-esteem [...]

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Dealing with Loneliness in Marriage

By |2017-08-31T20:38:41+00:00August 31st, 2017|Anxiety therapy, Depression Counseling, Family of Origin Counseling|

Dealing with Loneliness in Marriage   Dealing with loneliness in marriage  is one of the most frequent goals I hear from those seeking couples counseling. Perhaps you have felt lonely in your marriage when your partner is on the phone with business issues during family time; too busy with social commitments or too tired and [...]

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