
Can You Love Too Much?

Do  You Love too Much? Do you love too much? Are you the type who gives your all only to find yourself feeling unwanted, unappreciated and depleted? Perhaps your partner gets irritated when you love too much, and wants you to back off. Maybe you get messages that you are just too much – that [...]

By |2017-10-03T20:45:58+00:00October 3rd, 2017|Couples Counseling, Individual Counseling, Intimacy|Comments Off on Can You Love Too Much?

Dealing with Loneliness in Marriage

Dealing with Loneliness in Marriage   Dealing with loneliness in marriage  is one of the most frequent goals I hear from those seeking couples counseling. Perhaps you have felt lonely in your marriage when your partner is on the phone with business issues during family time; too busy with social commitments or too tired and [...]

By |2017-08-31T20:38:41+00:00August 31st, 2017|Anxiety therapy, Depression Counseling, Family of Origin Counseling|Comments Off on Dealing with Loneliness in Marriage

Food and Relationships – How You Eat is How You Relate

Food and Relationships  How you eat is how you relate Food and relationships are intertwined in the most intricate and intimate ways. Your eating style is probably the biggest single determining factor in how you interact with your romantic partner. If you devour your food with an insatiable appetite, then it’s likely you try to [...]

By |2017-08-24T03:20:42+00:00August 24th, 2017|Couples Counseling, Individual Counseling, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on Food and Relationships – How You Eat is How You Relate

Obsessive Passion Leads to Anxiety, Depression and Burnout

Obsessive Passion Leaves You Empty and Unsatisfied Is obsessive passion driving you when you check your partner’s Facebook page or text messages? When you lose weight and tone up to look more attractive to your partner, is it because you are obsessed with being desired or passionate about being the best you can be? Then [...]

By |2017-08-15T22:25:29+00:00August 15th, 2017|Depression Counseling, Family of Origin Counseling, stress|Comments Off on Obsessive Passion Leads to Anxiety, Depression and Burnout

The Malignant Narcissist Cycles from Being Bully to Being a Victim

The Malignant Narcissist Cycles Between Being a Victim and Being a Bully The malignant narcissist has both the thin and thick skin attributes of other narcissists. If a malignant narcissist is not treated as valued and special, then they take on the victim position. The lack of adulation risks their very existence because of their [...]

By |2020-02-11T21:38:42+00:00August 2nd, 2017|Insecurity Counseling|Comments Off on The Malignant Narcissist Cycles from Being Bully to Being a Victim

Thick Skinned Narcissists Cover up Feelings of Inadequacy

Thick skinned narcissists Thick skinned narcissists are highly insecure and fearful for their safety. Their main insecurities center around being incompetent and inadequate. So they develop their thick skins by never allowing any information that exposes their human flaws to penetrate their fragile egos. Thick skinned narcissists are masters at defending themselves by deflecting their [...]

By |2017-07-27T20:51:15+00:00July 27th, 2017|Insecurity Counseling|Comments Off on Thick Skinned Narcissists Cover up Feelings of Inadequacy

Thin Skin Narcissists Operate on Passive Aggressive Rage

Thin Skin Narcissists Operate on Rage and Passive Aggression Thin skin narcissists are highly sensitive, envious and insecure. They react instantly to any observation about them that isn’t superlative. They tend to withdraw and treat others as potentially hostile and dangerous, and likely to victimize them. Thin skin types feel enormous shame when they are [...]

By |2017-07-22T15:51:09+00:00July 21st, 2017|Anger Issues, Anger Management Counseling, Insecurity Counseling|Comments Off on Thin Skin Narcissists Operate on Passive Aggressive Rage

Marriage Stress and Inflammation in Your Body

Marriage Stress and Inflammation In the Body Stress in her marriage was a regular burden for twenty-nine-year old homemaker Lexi. Arguing with Finn, her thirty-two-year old IT consultant husband about household chores was a daily occurrence. She wanted him to help her and take on more duties, while he felt that he wasn’t appreciated for [...]

By |2017-07-12T18:34:28+00:00July 12th, 2017|couples therapy, stress|Comments Off on Marriage Stress and Inflammation in Your Body

Complicated Grief Therapy

Complicated Grief Therapy Complicated grief hit Adam like a thunderbolt one Saturday evening when his stepmother called and told him that his father was dying.  Adam had hated his abusive father all his life – but now he was terrified of losing his dad.  He longed for his father to acknowledge and apologize for his [...]

By |2017-07-05T22:01:36+00:00July 5th, 2017|Grief Counseling|Comments Off on Complicated Grief Therapy

Is Marriage After an Affair Possible?

Is Marriage After an Affair Possible? If so what kind of marriage would it be? Those were the questions 35 year-old Neil wondered after his 32 year-old wife Monica discovered his infidelity. She had idolized her husband, believing that he was most reliable and trustworthy person one could hope to meet. In fact she had [...]

By |2017-07-05T22:30:21+00:00June 29th, 2017|Affair Recovery Counseling|Comments Off on Is Marriage After an Affair Possible?
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