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Feeling Loved in a Pandemic

By |2020-08-25T00:39:56+00:00August 25th, 2020|Communication Problems, Couples Counseling, couples therapy, Family of Origin Counseling, Individual Counseling|

Three Crucial Ways to Feeling Loved in a Pandemic Feeling loved in a pandemic is problematic when there is more pressure on partners to make each feel valued when the world feels so unpredictable. Scared that her family may become infected with Covid-19, Claire a 35-year-old optometrist was extra careful about cleaning everything before it [...]

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How Worrying and Boredom Team up to Keep You Stuck

By |2020-06-17T23:32:37+00:00June 17th, 2020|Anxiety therapy, Individual Counseling, Insecurity Counseling|

How Worrying and Boredom Team up to Keep You Stuck Worrying and boredom are two of the most complaints I hear from clients, but more pronounced during the pandemic lockdown. Here are some of the remarks regarding worrying and boredom that have stuck with me: “I worry that my partner will make me the bad [...]

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Marriage After Infidelity

By |2020-02-05T23:10:09+00:00February 5th, 2020|Affair Recovery Counseling, Communication Problems, Couples Counseling, Individual Counseling, Insecurity Counseling|

 Marriage After Infidelity You are stunned, disoriented and your whole world has shattered. You can’t believe that your partner cheated on you and lied to you about the affair. You want to throw the cheater into an incinerator together with the disgust, betrayal and rejection. But there is another part of you that wonders if [...]

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Are You Trapped in a Loveless Marriage?

By |2019-10-29T18:54:02+00:00September 18th, 2019|Couples Counseling, couples therapy, Individual Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, relationship issues|

Feeling trapped in a loveless marriage is unbearable. But it doesn't have to mean a life time of suffering if you discover the profound beliefs that keep you trapped and prevent you from being yourself and worthy of love in the marriage.

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 Fear of Discovering Your True Self Leads to Obsessive Behaviors

By |2019-06-25T20:28:56+00:00June 25th, 2019|Anxiety therapy, Family of Origin Counseling, Individual Counseling|

Fear of discovering your true self is kept in check by obsessive - compulsive behaviors and thoughts. It creates a diversion with the false promise of making you feel in control and safe. But discovering your true self will come in the form of a crisis from within you, propelling you to honor your personal integrity and enjoy rather than hide from life.

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Personal Empowerment is Crucial for Comfortable Relationships

By |2019-01-12T00:15:23+00:00January 10th, 2019|Family Counseing, Individual Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, stress|

Personal Empowerment is Crucial for Comfortable Relationships Personal empowerment means you are in charge of your life; your choices, the outcomes and consequences. Without a well-developed sense of personal empowerment, you give other people power over you; allow them to make decisions for you and then get angry and resentful that your needs and feelings [...]

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Unrealistic Expectations Breed Self-Defeating Behaviors

By |2018-11-29T01:59:50+00:00November 29th, 2018|Family of Origin Counseling, Individual Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, relationship issues, stress|

Unrealistic Expectations Breed Self-Defeating Behaviors Unrealistic expectations may be your biggest enemy! Do you ever want something really badly, but then when it comes it sucks? It drops like a massive bomb of disappointment and lets you down. Either it isn’t the right way, or given with the wrong attitude, or not in the right [...]

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Fear of Becoming Like Your Parents Makes You Act Just Like Them

By |2018-12-10T00:21:35+00:00February 26th, 2018|Family of Origin Counseling, Individual Counseling|

Fear of Becoming Like Your Parents Fear of becoming like your parents results in anger, anxiety and panic Anxiety and tension gripped 36-year old radiologist Luis, a married with two young daughters when he got a Facebook invitation to join his college mates in Los Vegas for a reunion event. He didn’t want to go, [...]

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Are You Trapped in a Love-Hate Relationship?

By |2018-01-22T18:27:24+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Breakups and Separation, Individual Counseling, separation counseling|

Love-hate Relationship Traps Do you feel caught in a love-hate relationship that you can’t escape? Maybe you have tried several times to leave but get seduced into staying because your partner morphs into an irresistibly affectionate, tuned in and available person. In that moment you are washed with the ‘love’ part of the love-hate relationship. [...]

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How Low Self-Esteem Affects Romantic Relationships

By |2017-12-19T21:50:04+00:00December 19th, 2017|Abusive Relationship Counseling, Individual Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, relationship issues|

Low self-esteem is one of the most significant factors affecting the success or otherwise of romantic relationships. Men and women both suffer from low self- esteem, and both genders are equally sensitive to esteem issues in their partnerships. Partners who seek couples counseling struggle to manage issues around low self-esteem, longing to feel valued and worthwhile and most fail in that quest, feeling hopeless and devalued. Failure to cure low self-esteem The reason so many people dont succeed in getting their partners to raise their low self-esteem is that they dont work on the core fears around losing connection if they pursue their personal paths. They give up self-enhancement for connection and end up with low self-esteem.

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