
Mothers Impact on Daughters

Mother’s Impact on Daughters A Mother’s impact on daughters is powerful, pervasive and subtle.  It starts as soon as the daughter is conceived. Mothers who want sons and then discover that they are expecting girls provide a strong message to the unborn female that she is just a parasite while in the womb, becoming a [...]

By |2018-06-18T20:37:06+00:00June 14th, 2018|Family of Origin Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, Parenting Counseling|Comments Off on Mothers Impact on Daughters

Fathers Impact on Daughters

  Fathers Impact on Daughters   Father’s impact on  daughters are profound. A father’s influence is crucial for his daughter’s  healthy development in terms of self-worth, capabilities, and prospects as a future partner and parent. It is a father who gives his daughter a window and platform to enter the real world while the mother [...]

By |2018-08-31T22:01:49+00:00June 6th, 2018|Parenting Counseling|Comments Off on Fathers Impact on Daughters

Marital Anxiety Ruins Your Relationship

Marital anxiety ruins your relationship Marital anxiety ruins your relationship because it compromises your ability to listen and empathize with your partner.  When one partner is constantly anxious the relationship runs with two flat tires. But if both parties tend to be anxiously attached to one another, then the relationship is flat on the ground, [...]

By |2018-05-18T18:31:53+00:00May 18th, 2018|Anxiety therapy, Couples Counseling, Insecurity Counseling|Comments Off on Marital Anxiety Ruins Your Relationship

Dreams of Infidelity

Dreams of Infidelity Do you dream of being unfaithful to your partner? Are you scared that your dream of being unfaithful is going to come true? Maybe you want to deny and get rid of that shameful part of you that wants to do things that you think are so unlike the real you. After [...]

By |2018-04-27T18:25:29+00:00April 27th, 2018|Cheating and Affairs, Dreams|Comments Off on Dreams of Infidelity

Midlife Crisis – Surviving the Midlife Transistion

Midlife Crisis – Surviving the midlife transition Midlife crises happen to men and women when they have got to a stable place in their lives, especially when and because they originally got together through crisis in their younger lives. What is midlife crisis? A midlife crisis is a discomfort with and confusion about what appears [...]

By |2018-03-22T22:37:04+00:00March 22nd, 2018|Breakups and Separation, Communication Issues, Couples Counseling, Family of Origin Counseling|Comments Off on Midlife Crisis – Surviving the Midlife Transistion

Fear of Becoming Like Your Parents Makes You Act Just Like Them

Fear of Becoming Like Your Parents Fear of becoming like your parents results in anger, anxiety and panic Anxiety and tension gripped 36-year old radiologist Luis, a married with two young daughters when he got a Facebook invitation to join his college mates in Los Vegas for a reunion event. He didn’t want to go, [...]

By |2018-12-10T00:21:35+00:00February 26th, 2018|Family of Origin Counseling, Individual Counseling|Comments Off on Fear of Becoming Like Your Parents Makes You Act Just Like Them

Are You Trapped in a Love-Hate Relationship?

Love-hate Relationship Traps Do you feel caught in a love-hate relationship that you can’t escape? Maybe you have tried several times to leave but get seduced into staying because your partner morphs into an irresistibly affectionate, tuned in and available person. In that moment you are washed with the ‘love’ part of the love-hate relationship. [...]

By |2018-01-22T18:27:24+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Breakups and Separation, Individual Counseling, separation counseling|Comments Off on Are You Trapped in a Love-Hate Relationship?

How Low Self-Esteem Affects Romantic Relationships

Low self-esteem is one of the most significant factors affecting the success or otherwise of romantic relationships. Men and women both suffer from low self- esteem, and both genders are equally sensitive to esteem issues in their partnerships. Partners who seek couples counseling struggle to manage issues around low self-esteem, longing to feel valued and worthwhile and most fail in that quest, feeling hopeless and devalued. Failure to cure low self-esteem The reason so many people dont succeed in getting their partners to raise their low self-esteem is that they dont work on the core fears around losing connection if they pursue their personal paths. They give up self-enhancement for connection and end up with low self-esteem.

By |2017-12-19T21:50:04+00:00December 19th, 2017|Abusive Relationship Counseling, Individual Counseling, Insecurity Counseling, relationship issues|Comments Off on How Low Self-Esteem Affects Romantic Relationships

Fantasy Love is Better Than Reality Love

Fantasy Love is Better Than Reality Love Fantasy love is better than reality love because you can do anything you want in the fantasy - you can have the partner of your dreams; you can be adored or vilified; you can suffer like a martyr or you can enjoy an affectionate intimacy. Fantasy love gives [...]

By |2017-11-20T22:30:56+00:00November 20th, 2017|Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on Fantasy Love is Better Than Reality Love

Why Do Breakups Hurt Even When You Want Them?

Why Do Breakups Hurt Even When You Want Them? Is breaking up the only way you can think of to end the hurt in your relationship? Don't  you really want to fix things and get back to a place where everything is smooth and easy? Have you reached out to listen, understand and mend fences, [...]

By |2017-10-21T01:59:08+00:00October 21st, 2017|Breakups and Separation, Individual Counseling, separation counseling|Comments Off on Why Do Breakups Hurt Even When You Want Them?
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