
The Least Stressful Way yo Break Up With Your Girl/Boyfriend!

Do you get up your courage to break it off with your girlfriend or boyfriend and then chicken out? Do you regret not being able to go through with what you know you need to do and get angry with yourself? Are you anxious and afraid of hurting your partner's feelings and being the bad guy? Are you praying that your boyfriend or girlfriend will get the message and break up with you instead? Then you are experiencing an overabundance of guilt that leads to stress, insomnia, and lack of concentration on your job. The harder you try to be gentle, give hints, be nice or wait for the perfect moment the worse it gets and your frustration will make you do or say things that make you look like an uncaring monster. So watch this video and get a really good practical tip on making the breakup less personal

By |2016-12-29T15:40:22+00:00August 3rd, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Breakups and Separation, Communication Problems, stress, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Least Stressful Way yo Break Up With Your Girl/Boyfriend!

Shirked responsibility gets turned into self-hatred and anger – masochistic anger part 4

Turning the anger on himself protected Ezra's fragile relationships Self-loathing filled Ezra’s existence for hours after his outbursts. He was embarrassed and ashamed at his loss of control. Not only was Ezra angry at the staff for not doing their jobs according to his expectations, but he got even more angry with himself for showing his anger. Fury and disappointment at the workers got turned into self-flagellation, punishing himself for acting like a child having a tantrum.

By |2017-09-13T18:05:38+00:00August 1st, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Shirked responsibility gets turned into self-hatred and anger – masochistic anger part 4

Being Angry is a way to grieve – masochistic anger part 3

Byron’s anger terrified him. He did everything he could to avoid feeling it and showing it when it washed over him. He wanted to die of shame every time he saw his girlfriend’s fear and distress. He didn’t intend to hurt or scare her. She was the one good thing in his life and he would do anything to keep her. Byron’s anger was inexplicable to him. He didn’t feel it coming on and by the time it was evident, it was too late. Beverly was already anticipating something awful. Anger turned to shame and self-castigation. Byron flogged himself with unmerciful comments resulting in bleeding sores all over his self-esteem.

By |2017-09-13T17:28:49+00:00August 1st, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Being Angry is a way to grieve – masochistic anger part 3

Anger at yourself makes you sick – masochistic anger part 2

Anger at not picking the right wife made Sebastian beat up on himself Most of all Sebastian was angry with himself for picking Loretta as a wife. He berated himself for being blind to her faults when they were courting. Sebastian felt adored and wanted by Loretta before they married. He imagined she would focus on him and the family they made with an energy that would prove her devotion and his worth. Sebastian saw the chance to have a reliable and sacrificial caring partner who would put family first. What he got shattered his dreams. The birth of their son turned her into a tired, complaining wife who did less and less for the family. Sebastian got more and more irritated, resentful and angry that his burden was increasing while Loretta became more insular.

By |2017-09-13T18:28:59+00:00August 1st, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Anger at yourself makes you sick – masochistic anger part 2

Four Ways To Deal With A Hostile And Aggressive Partner

Are you scared of your partner’s reactions? Do you regret saying what you think and feel if your partner’s feelings get ruffled? Then it’s likely that your partner is terrorizing you by tearing you down so you melt into the background, and then provoking you into reacting when they want you to come back to life. So how should you approach and interact with your partner so that you can live without fear of being silenced and destroyed over and over again? This was the dilemma Mason faced when he tried to have a peaceful relationship with his partner.

By |2017-09-13T20:10:36+00:00July 31st, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on Four Ways To Deal With A Hostile And Aggressive Partner

Is anger spoiling your enjoyment of your achievements?

The award ceremony was well under way but there was still no sign of Larry. With a sinking heart Yvonne took her place in line to receive her diploma. The shouts and hugs of congratulations became a blur as her eyes kept scanning the huge hall for her elder brother. Yvonne's friends honored her achievement with flowers, gifts and affection. Yet she was the pooper at her own party. Larry had broken his promise. Choking back tears of acute disappointment she went through the motions of smiling as she thanked her thoughtful pals.

By |2017-09-13T18:59:06+00:00July 29th, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Is anger spoiling your enjoyment of your achievements?

Ten ways to direct your anger in a productive way

The world caved in on Louis when his girlfriend of three years ditched him, complaining he was ‘too needy!’ Louis had been the devoted boyfriend and caretaker. He did whatever she asked no matter what the cost to him. He cut out his friends and family. He stopped playing sports and dropped out of college. When the shock of his rude dismissal from the relationship hit him, he went through a period of disbelief and then he became angry.

By |2017-09-13T18:20:01+00:00July 29th, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Ten ways to direct your anger in a productive way

Is anger stopping you from reaching your potential?

Max was bathed in support and sympathy from his family, fiance and friends. They rallied around and helped him get through the first year of struggle for recovery. Together with his pain medications and physical therapy, the network of people caring for him acted as buffers against his volcanic fury. Cocooned in this chrysalis his outrage and resentment swelled into a festering reservoir of hate, waiting to explode.

By |2017-09-13T19:08:40+00:00July 29th, 2012|Blog|Comments Off on Is anger stopping you from reaching your potential?

How your dream can make you feel more in control of your own life

Recently Donna has felt hopeless about her love life. She was resigned to being single and without children even though it was one of her cherished dreams. She wanted to believe that it could come true but was scared to pin her hopes on it. She kept her dreams safe in her fantasy world where reality couldn't spoil her image. She had relationships with men that were either friendships or sexual liaisons, but never both. She had never experienced the closeness and intimacy of a relationship that had it all. Reckless Behavior Stuns Donna At about this time Donna had been taken in by a gypsy in an upscale part of town and gave her $1000 to hear something hopeful about her future. A day or so later it dawned on her - the magnitude of what she had done! She was astounded that a wish to believe in her fantasy just for a moment could make her so reckless and give up her common sense and self-protection. She had given money to friends to help them out, but never just thrown such a large sum on a whim! A Disturbing Dream Haunts Donna A couple of months later Donna's next dream startled her. She hated theme parks but there she was in her dream at a fair ground theme park with a friend. She saw a gypsy who promised to tell her important things about her love life.

By |2012-07-28T19:15:02+00:00July 28th, 2012|Blog, Dreams|Comments Off on How your dream can make you feel more in control of your own life
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