
Four Ways to Silence Your Self-Critical Voice

After a relaxing weekend, thirty-three year old Daniel hated when he felt that feeling in the pit of his stomach, reminding him that a new week was about to begin. He enjoyed his two-days-a-week off so much that the transition was painful and anxiety provoking. The thought of leaving his ‘treasure island’ and re-entering the world of reality made him nauseous as he prepared to tear himself away from his personal paradise of ‘do-nothing-and relax’ time. He had to up date his financial records; getting the flyers and ads out for new listings he had procured for his real estate business and keep appointments with his ten-year-old son Drew’s school meetings. He had to go back to being a robot to get through this week, just like every other. The only way he could get himself ready for the job was to whip himself into a state of frenzy and panic – imagining the urgency with which he had to attend to the tasks as hand, for if he didn’t – he was a lazy, useless, unproductive, undeserving layabout!

By |2017-05-22T22:57:08+00:00December 2nd, 2014|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Four Ways to Silence Your Self-Critical Voice

Four Reasons Why PreMarital Counseling Ensures You Truly Know The Person You Plan to Marry

Filled with excitement and carried away by romance you imagine the fairy tale of living happily ever after. You do everything you can to protect yourself against anticipating the adjustments you will have to make when living together as fallible human beings. But marriage turns the rose colored glasses you wore into lenses of disappointment, resentment, anger and mistrust - especially when your impending marriage is primarily an exit strategy from controlling or rejecting and abandoning parents.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00November 26th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|Comments Off on Four Reasons Why PreMarital Counseling Ensures You Truly Know The Person You Plan to Marry

Three Ways To Harness Your Anger, Hate and Frustration to Get What You Want

Are you envious of other peoples relationships? Are you consumed with frustration that other people seem to get what they want and have the 'perfect' relationship while you are struggling to get off the ground? When you are feeling unfulfilled and unhappy in your own relationship, other couples are viewed in idealistic terms. You imagine that just because they are out together or buying groceries together that their relationship must be warm and stress free. You wan the same thing! You don't know why you can't have it, and you feel life is treating you unfairly, despite you being a 'good' person. Thats what happened to thirty-seven year old Jocelyn after her marriage ended in divorce.

By |2017-05-22T23:05:54+00:00November 17th, 2014|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Three Ways To Harness Your Anger, Hate and Frustration to Get What You Want

Two Signs That Your Partner is Not a Commitment Phobe, Just Not Into You!

Have you ever wondered whether your partner doesn't want you, or doesn't want to commit to anyone? You've probably tried hard to evoke that spark in your partner that touches your heart and makes you feel like you are "the one!" Sometimes you feel he has finally chosen to invest in you, and a few days later you feel empty as he withdraws the total deposit! Is he Jekyll and Hyde? He says all the right things and does what's expected but you can tell his heart isn't into it. You are left confused and wondering whether there is something wrong with him whether you are the problem. Your friends and family tell you that your partner is probably a commitment phobe! But how do you find out if he isn't interested in committing to anyone, or just to you.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00November 14th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|Comments Off on Two Signs That Your Partner is Not a Commitment Phobe, Just Not Into You!

How to Deal With The Anger and Stress Caused By Interfering Mother-in-Laws

Angela and Josh a newly married couple were at logger heads about Angela's mother telling him how to treat and take care of her daughter. She kept calling and texting him about Angela's food needs, her anxieties, her need to get pregnant and the need for child to be a son. Josh tried to talk to Angela about his distaste for being told how to be a good husband by his mother-in-law, but Angela secretly smiled. She was thrilled that her mother was on Josh's back to do the 'right thing' by her, because she was too scared to do it herself. She loved that her mother was her champion, and whipping up her husband to do the same. What Angela didn't appreciate was that Josh was feeling emasculated and furious. He was angry about the temerity of his mother-in-law to tell him what to do, as if he knew nothing of his wife's needs. He was fuming that he wasn't given a chance to find his feet in his new role as a husband., But most of all he was livid that his wife enjoyed seening him as a puppet controlled by her mother.

By |2017-09-13T21:00:12+00:00November 4th, 2014|Family Counseing, stress|Comments Off on How to Deal With The Anger and Stress Caused By Interfering Mother-in-Laws

Five Ways to Shift From the “I” Body Language to the “We” Stance in Your Relationship

Do you know what messages your body language gives your partner? Do you know how to read the signals of defense rather than togetherness? When you are fighting for your point of you, to be made right, and win the battle, then your relationship is in jeopoardy. So alert yourself to the behaviors that stress the "I" part of you, where the couple part is demoted. Then tune into the behaviors that stress the "we" part of the couple so your relationship can survive and thrive.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00October 31st, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Communication Issues, Communication Problems, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on Five Ways to Shift From the “I” Body Language to the “We” Stance in Your Relationship

Pull out the Roots of Your Anger and Stress by Exercising amid Nature

Anger and hatred often go together when you don't get cared for in the way you want and expect. If your expectations and hopes are dashed over and over again, the anger and loathing get bigger and more ferocious. But you are probably too scared to let it out. You feel love and hate for the person at the same time. These two contrary feelings put you in a bind. You can't walk away, and you can't express your rage. You fear that if the one you are upset with will crumble. Then you won't have anyone to be be attached to, and being alone is more frightening. You imagine that the person you are mad at doesn't care about you - in fact they hate you and are just one step away from walking out on you! So you keep it all in, seething inside with no room for anything else. All that scary anger makes your body release stress hormones to cope with the intense anger that threatens your heart, blood pressure, digestive system and mental well-being.

By |2017-09-11T18:58:45+00:00October 21st, 2014|stress|Comments Off on Pull out the Roots of Your Anger and Stress by Exercising amid Nature

Bullet Proof Your Relationship Against Your Partner Leaving You

Imagine if your partner suddenly said they were going to leave you? Would you be shocked, shaken, stunned and destabilized? You would feel insecure and stressed. Then you were probably imagining that everything was fine and that you had the near perfect relationship. Hardly any arguments, shared jobs and good sex. But what about the emotional intimacy?

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00October 14th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Breakups and Separation, Intimacy, separation counseling|Comments Off on Bullet Proof Your Relationship Against Your Partner Leaving You

Three Ways to Control Emotional Eating When Under Stress

gluttony from stress When you are overwhelmed and feel like you are sinking in quicksand, your body wants to flee from the threat. But your life style and schedule keep you trapped in a very a very stressful situation. You feel out of control You feel helpless You feel angry and resentful You are terrified of failing or having a breakdown You put even more effort into trying to be perfect and get everything done the way it should be so you can meet your own high standards and expectations You imagine others complimenting you and envying you BUT THE STRESS GETS TO YOU AND ALL YOU WANT IS FOOD. YOU WANT THE COMFORT AND THE NUMBNESS THAT EATING CAN BRING.

By |2017-09-11T17:49:35+00:00October 6th, 2014|stress|Comments Off on Three Ways to Control Emotional Eating When Under Stress

Ten Things You Should Never Do On A First Date

First dates can make you nervous because you have high hopes but fear being disappointed. You don't know whether you will be good enough for your date, or whether your partner will meet your requirements. All this pressure can wreck your date if you don't get grounded Your date will go fine is you are present in the here-and-now The best way of being present and available for a date is to avoid the following ten things

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00September 29th, 2014|Dating, Intimacy|Comments Off on Ten Things You Should Never Do On A First Date
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