Home/Breakups and Separation

Should You Leave Your Partner or Stay Hoping They Will Love You One Day!

By |2017-09-11T18:43:04+00:00December 15th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Breakups and Separation, Intimacy, relationship issues|

Do you go through periods when you give up on your relationship and decide to leave your partner? But then are you pulled back with the hope that your partner will change? Perhaps you think that if you try one more time, a little harder that then your partner will love you back? You do everything you can to deal with that desperate feeling of "how can I get my spouse/partner to love me?" You give it all you have got but you don't get anything lasting back, so you wonder "how do I leave my relationship when I still love my partner?" You are left with a terrible dilemma: how to you deal with the idea of a breakup of a relationship that you wish would work? This video gives you relationship advice that helps you get off that cliff of despair.

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Five ways to manage the anger of getting dumped by your loved one.

By |2017-09-11T17:24:24+00:00August 11th, 2012|Breakups and Separation|

Why Does Sharon Reject the Very Thing She Wants? Because she wants two different things at the same time. The trouble is she is only aware of one of them- wanting a nice guy and a successful relationship. But there is also something else she craves and that is to feel powerful, and in charge of her life. She isn't in touch with her need for power, so she can't figure out why she keeps sabotaging good relationships. She is mystified as to why what seems wonderful at the beginning turns sour very soon afterwards.

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How To Manage Doubt and Loneliness After You Have Broken Up With Your Partner

By |2017-09-13T17:08:26+00:00August 10th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Breakups and Separation, separation counseling|

So you finally got up the nerve to break up with your partner who just wasn't a good fit! The relief is wonderful, but in creeps some doubt, some guilt, some loneliness! The stress is overwhelming! You notice a hole in your life that gets bigger, and that makes you wonder if you did the right thing. You go back and for with wanting to get back together and enjoying the relief of not having to take care of someone else's feelings. How do you fill that hole and feel good about your decision to do what was right for you?

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The Least Stressful Way yo Break Up With Your Girl/Boyfriend!

By |2016-12-29T15:40:22+00:00August 3rd, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Breakups and Separation, Communication Problems, stress, Uncategorized|

Do you get up your courage to break it off with your girlfriend or boyfriend and then chicken out? Do you regret not being able to go through with what you know you need to do and get angry with yourself? Are you anxious and afraid of hurting your partner's feelings and being the bad guy? Are you praying that your boyfriend or girlfriend will get the message and break up with you instead? Then you are experiencing an overabundance of guilt that leads to stress, insomnia, and lack of concentration on your job. The harder you try to be gentle, give hints, be nice or wait for the perfect moment the worse it gets and your frustration will make you do or say things that make you look like an uncaring monster. So watch this video and get a really good practical tip on making the breakup less personal

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How To Take A Break From Your Loved One Without Feeling Disloyal

By |2017-09-13T17:09:31+00:00July 27th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Breakups and Separation|

Are you scared that if you have time with friends, family, colleagues or just alone that you are deserting your loved one? Is the fear of being seen as disloyal stopping you from living a full and satisfying life? The real fear you have is that if you step out of the arena even for a short while to take care of your needs outside the relationship that your loved one will forget you, find someone else or just not want you back.

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Is your relationship break up permanent or just a shift in gears?

By |2016-12-13T05:19:26+00:00January 15th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Breakups and Separation, Intimacy, separation counseling|

Is your relationship really breaking up or just shifting to accommodate changing needs in order to survive? Discover the three myths about breaking up and learn about the three truths about relationship breakups that allow you to maintain and improve the connections after the initial shock.

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How to benefit from being ditched!

By |2017-01-12T20:09:05+00:00November 13th, 2011|Anxiety therapy, Breakups and Separation, Grief Counseling|

Don't go down feeling shocked and rejected. Use your surprise, anger and sadness to discover what you missed when you thought everything was just fine. Learn to read the signs before the relationship ends so that next time you will be able to act in a way that makes it work before it is too late.

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