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Stop The Stress Of Conflict And Reconnect With Your Loved One

By |2017-09-14T20:38:31+00:00October 15th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Intimacy, relationship issues, stress|

Does the stress of fighting with your loved one linger for hours if not days? Does the discomfort of the conflict turn into uncertainty about the status of the relationship? Then you must be aware that all that stress and anxiety clogs up the communication channels preventing transparency about how the relationship is faring from moment to moment. It’s an awful place when neither of you know what the other is thinking or feeling and so you jump to the worst case scenario, adding even more stress to an already charged situation. You are left holding your breath with anxiety about how things will turn out and what the long term damage will be to the nature of your connection. Why wait helplessly to find out how long the crack in the relationship will last or who if anyone should make the move to repair it? There is a much easier way to reestablish the connection you had before the conflict that can make you feel calmer, closer and more secure in the blink of an eye as Bridget and Patrick’s experience shows.

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How To Tell If Your Partner Is Showing Genuine Love Or Not

By |2016-12-13T05:19:20+00:00October 12th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|

Do you often wonder whether your partner is genuine in their expression of love? Are you reluctant to accept gestures towards you because you are not sure if it is done with passion or just to placate you? Then you are missing out on the pleasure of knowing for certain how your loved one feels about you. You can give yourself the comfort and security of knowing the ways in which men and women are identical in expressing love and the key ways in which they differ.

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How To Make Sure Your Date Turns Into a Positive Intimate Healthy Relationship.

By |2017-09-13T18:14:15+00:00October 8th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Dating, Intimacy|

The buildup to the date was always fraught with hope and visions of ‘clicking’ immediately, but Paula always came home disappointed. The dates either fizzled out or followed a predictable path of one-night stands. What angered Paula the most was that the plain girls seemed to get repeat dates that often led to engagements and marriage. She was furious that all her work to attract guys worked for just one date. What did the other girls have that she didn’t? They didn’t seem to have anything special or anything that she would want to emulate. Yet they had the intimate touches, companionship, and gentle humor that made Paula so envious!

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Do You Suffer In Silence In Order To Prove Your Love?

By |2017-09-13T20:01:20+00:00October 1st, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|

Were you brought up to believe that if you suffering is the road to earning love? Do you expect the same from your loved ones? If so your life may be all suffering and no love! Learn how to recognize, accept and receive love in ways that don't force others to be sacrifical nor turn you into a dried up lonely and angry family member.

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How To Transition Between Loved Ones Without Feeling Insecure

By |2017-05-22T23:01:55+00:00September 24th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, separation counseling|

Do you find yourself tuning off from the person you are with when you know there is going to be a temporary break in your relationship? Is your mind already thinking about the next person or group you are going to be meeting while you are still with your current friend or partner? Then you are probably trying to protect yourself from the pain of separating before it happens by shutting it down while you still have power over it. You may get a sense of control by turning the tap off rather than waiting for it to run dry. But you end up depriving yourself of the love and security that is available for you to enjoy and stock up on.

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Enjoying The Now Relationships Instead Of Waiting For Some Future Pleasure

By |2016-12-13T05:19:23+00:00September 21st, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|

Are you so eager to see friends or loved ones that you haven't seen for a while that you miss out on what is available to you in the moment? Do you find yourself imagining the future with your long lost connections that you dismiss or devalue what you are receiving in the here and now? Then you are doing a great disservice to yourself and to the people you are with. You are depriving yourself of feeling loved and wanted by those actually with you, and giving them the message that they are no longer on your radar. That can make it hard when you want to reconnect or when you feel the loss of them down the road. You may be afraid that you have to push the old stuff away to make room for the new, but that isn't true.

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White Lies And Whoopers Make You Sick, Depressed And Cut Off From loved Ones.

By |2017-09-14T20:28:46+00:00September 18th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, Uncategorized|

Do you find yourself telling little white lies to avoid arguments or to avoid hurting or enraging a friend, loved one or colleague? Then you are not alone. It’s human and understandable when you want to get out of a mess or stop one from happening. But did you know that even the smallest of lies can make you sick, feel bad about yourself, demotivate you and ultimately destroy your relationships? A crisis that rocked Winston’s peace of mind forced him to come to terms with the damage he was doing to himself when he constantly lied to his girlfriend and others in the mistaken belief that he was taking care of their feelings. After a series of lies that became part of his way of keeping the status quo he found himself with a constant sinus infection, fatigue and anxiety about his self-worth.

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The Secret To Getting Loved Ones To Believe And Accept Your Facts!

By |2017-09-13T20:41:57+00:00September 14th, 2012|Anxiety therapy|

Do you get frustrated when your friends and loved ones just don't accept what you are trying to share? Are you so fired up to connect with loved ones in a place of mutual agreement that you try to back up your facts with evidence from gurus, books and famous people? Then your anxiety about being in the same place of shared understanding in order to feel connected gets in the way of your credibility. Learn how your anxiety to connect masks the facts and gets you more stressed, anxious and frustrated. Your loved ones are least likely to listen and accept what you are trying to convey when your anxiety about connecting takes center stage. They aren't going to trust that you have something meaningful to offer as you seem more invested in convincing them than believing in your own truth.

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Why Your Ideal Of A Perfect Marriage Causes Your Finance To Break Off The Engagement

By |2017-09-13T18:15:58+00:00September 11th, 2012|Anger Issues, Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, relationship issues|

No matter how patient he was or how many allowances he made, at the end of the day he felt dumped. Just as he was looking forward to looking for a house and planning the details of the wedding Sheila backed out saying she couldn’t go through with it. She wasn’t ready. She was very sorry, especially as this was a repeat of what had happened before, but it wasn’t going to work out. Neville was in shock. This was the closest he had ever gotten to tying the knot with someone he was nuts about, and it all fell apart. Would he ever get married? Would he ever find that magic that his parents seemed to have and that he desperately wanted to capture?

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How To Avoid Feeling Attacked When Your Partner Is Venting!

By |2017-09-11T18:48:47+00:00September 7th, 2012|Anger Issues, Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, relationship issues|

Do you cringe when your partner starts venting ? Does it feel like your partner is venting at you and that you just have to take it? Are you afraid that if you don't absorb the attack you won't exist for your partner? Then you are caught in a tight spot. It's stressful when power games are at play. Your wish to be something important even if it is a bag for your partner to dump all their anger and frustration, prevents you from showing up as a human being with feelings, on a equal footing with your partner. Watch this video and learn how to allow the venting but not let the attack destroy you for the sake of being connected.

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