
Why your partner falls short of your ideal partner characteristics!

Your ideal partner characteristics may be more of an unrealized dream than a reality. Research indicates that most couples settle with someone who falls way short of their ideal partner. Learn how that happens and how to deal with the disappointment, sense of betrayal and stress that this mismatch causes.

By |2017-09-13T21:12:17+00:00February 28th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on Why your partner falls short of your ideal partner characteristics!

Three ways to manage the anxiety about pleasing your loved ones

When you are anxious about not being able to please your loved ones and putting the relationship at risk, you may be blurring the boundaries of responsibility, and become overwhelmed with anxiety. Learn the three ways you can get grounded and achieve your purpose without stress and anxiety turning you into a mess.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:25+00:00February 25th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Anxiety Treatment, relationship issues|Comments Off on Three ways to manage the anxiety about pleasing your loved ones

Four ways to make sure your partner values your help

Wanting to feel valued and helpful to your partner is very normal and natural. It's frustrating when your efforts are rejected and problems just get worse. There is a secret to getting your help accepted and valued. It's about timing and setting the stage so that your partner will be receptive and hungry for your help. The right order of business is crucial. Learn the four step process to making sure your partner values your help.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:25+00:00February 21st, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, relationship issues|Comments Off on Four ways to make sure your partner values your help

How to make peace without eating humble pie!

Do you long to make the peace after tense interchanges with loved ones that make you wonder whether the relationship is still good? Perhaps you want to make things right so badly that you are willing to accept all the blame, be in the wrong and eat humble pie, just to make the peace again. Learn how you can do just that without losing face, without accepting all the responsibility for the fight and without putting yourself down. Discover how you can come from a place of entitlement to your feelings and needs and use that to set the scene for a new dialogue that creates peace by honoring and validating you and your loved ones.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:25+00:00February 17th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, relationship issues|Comments Off on How to make peace without eating humble pie!

How to do your thing without risking rejection from loved ones

If you are torn between being yourself but risking the rejection of loved ones in the process then you are stressed and it may come out in the form of lower back pain, reflecting unbearable burdens that you can't deal with. Discover how to find your power and strength to be yourself, grow and develop while hanging onto your relationships, provided you are up for some changes in the nature of the relationship.

By |2017-09-13T18:42:07+00:00February 14th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, relationship issues, separation counseling|Comments Off on How to do your thing without risking rejection from loved ones

The gift that will make your valentine love you for ever!

Do you want your valentine to treasure you and adore you forever? Then give the gift that can not be resisted. It involves ACT! you can act on it and give the three sure fired proven gifts that will make you the most valued and loved person in your valentines life. Find out the secret of the ACT principles that cost nothing, but when practiced every day will make you feel like a million dollars.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:25+00:00February 9th, 2012|Intimacy|Comments Off on The gift that will make your valentine love you for ever!

Why It’s a Good Sign if Your Date Doesn’t Want To Sleep With You

If you feel snubbed by your date who doesn't appear to want to sleep with you after doing it once during dates, there may be a very good reason. It's likely that you have something good going between you that sex would spoil. Learn how sex can drive you apart instead of making you an item if you make it the main criteria of your dating success.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:25+00:00February 7th, 2012|Intimacy|Comments Off on Why It’s a Good Sign if Your Date Doesn’t Want To Sleep With You

Tolerating bad stuff so the good feels even better

If you are fed up with bad feelings and bad situations robbing you of your good moments, you are giving into the bad stuff by getting upset and disappointed. There are good reasons for you to have good and bad feelings both at the same time. Find out how to enjoy the good times no matter what bad feelings seem to get in the way, and value both so that the good ones feel great!

By |2012-01-22T21:58:44+00:00January 22nd, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Tolerating bad stuff so the good feels even better

Are your flu symptoms promting you to deal with fear of commitment?

If you hate your procrastination brought on by fear of commitment then you may be either ignoring it to get things done or living in limbo. Learn how your body can prompt you to face up to your fears by giving you a sudden attack of flu that disappears as soon as you understand and take care of the fear by sharing responsibility with your loved ones rather than bearing the unbearable load all alone.

By |2017-09-13T19:03:30+00:00January 19th, 2012|Anxiety therapy|Comments Off on Are your flu symptoms promting you to deal with fear of commitment?

Is your relationship break up permanent or just a shift in gears?

Is your relationship really breaking up or just shifting to accommodate changing needs in order to survive? Discover the three myths about breaking up and learn about the three truths about relationship breakups that allow you to maintain and improve the connections after the initial shock.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:26+00:00January 15th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Breakups and Separation, Intimacy, separation counseling|Comments Off on Is your relationship break up permanent or just a shift in gears?
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