
How your dream reveals your inner terrorist that makes your life hell

Freda's Dream Of Being Chased by Bloodthirsty Men The men with beards were after her again. Those men were chasing her, brandishing long knives. They were running after Freda and her children. Freda was desperate to protect her children from this bloodthirsty group. She is scared that she is not going to be able to safeguard her children. Powerless against these violent men Freda feels like a bad and inadequate parent. Shame and Fear Keep The Dream A Secret Freda had this dream repeatedly for a long period of time. She always woke up scared. She never told anyone about it. It was kind of shameful that she was having nightmares about being a bad parent. Sharing the Dream Unburdens Freda Then Freda came to one of my dream workshops.

By |2017-09-13T17:07:00+00:00August 18th, 2012|Blog, Dreams|Comments Off on How your dream reveals your inner terrorist that makes your life hell

Your dreams can show you how to get over the fear of getting burned again

After years of bitter sadness that she couldn't relate to her daughter, Julie realised that she was going to die a bitter and lonely woman. After she retired, the fear became stronger. Then came this dream She was in the kitchen preparing soup from a package of dried soup mix. Flames leapt out from the burners of her stove as she stirred the pot. She put her hands in the fire to rescue the soup and got burned. Later she discovered the knob and turned off the gas. Julie is Given Hope and Encouragement In her dream Julie was preparing a nourishing meal from a packet of dried soup mix. Her life was 'dried' up, without love, without connections, without meaning. Mixing the dried powder with water the dream says, can reconstitute her desire for genuine kinship. The dream showed her that her usual way of reaching out for love was by sticking her hands in the fire and getting burned - betrayed, let down, abandoned, disowned.

By |2017-09-13T17:32:04+00:00August 18th, 2012|Blog, Dreams|Comments Off on Your dreams can show you how to get over the fear of getting burned again

The Two Most Serious Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Does your heart skip a beat when your partner wants to go out with friends or do something without you? Do you have lots of little tiffs and spats for no particular reason than to engage each other? Then it's likely that your relationship is based on fear rather than love. The chances of you splitting up are massive. Watch this video and learn how to recognize the 2 most serious signs of an unhealthy relationship, and the two most hopeful signs of healthy relationship.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:23+00:00August 17th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on The Two Most Serious Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Is sex the battle ground for anger in your relationship?

Andre put his arm around his wife and nibbled at her ears. That usually turned her on, but not this time. She said she was tired after her trip and wasn't in the mood for sex. Andre let out a big sigh. He had been looking forward to making love with his wife. He had hoped that a few days apart would make her want him again. His imagination went wild with images of a frustrating sexless marriage.That would be unacceptable What was he to do? He didn't want to cheat, and he couldn't tolerate the thought of Shantal looking elsewhere for sexual satisfaction.

By |2017-09-13T19:09:13+00:00August 16th, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Is sex the battle ground for anger in your relationship?

Six ways to feel good without having to make your partner feel bad

Lorraine was infuriated. She got in her car, raced the engine and zoomed into the street, the screeching tires magnifying her frustrated rage. She'd show him! Let him worry about where she was, whether she was okay, and sweat over when she would be back. He'd soon find out how valuable she was when he had to bathe the kids and put them to bed, and had no one to complain to about his tough day at work. What a selfish and self-centered man he was! He had done it again- made it all about him. She asked for one weekend to spend with her girlfriend, but Joe's work commitments and deadlines came first. He objected to being the sole care taker of the kids.

By |2017-09-13T18:24:15+00:00August 15th, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Six ways to feel good without having to make your partner feel bad

Your dream can show you how you censor yourself and spoil your happiness

How could she look good and hang on to her intelligence, confidence and ability to make good decisions? It bothered her that she couldn't loose weight and look good because it would mean telling the world that she was just an object. Women who looked good seemed like a hollow shell, where the outside looked good but with nothing of substance inside. If she stayed like she was and focused only on her smarts, she would end up lonely and sad. People would only want her for her intellect. Quite a dilemma. Dream to the rescue As she struggled with this awful choice Donna dreamed that she lived in a beautiful stylish apartment building that had excellent security. She saw a young blond good looking woman approach the security desk claiming to be Donna. But Donna was already in her own apartment! She watched the security guard allow the impostor in without checking the records. Donna showed her anger to the security guard who didn't know what she was doing wrong. Donna was furious that this bone headed security guard would be so lax. She was even more furious that the security guard had no concern about not doing a good job.

By |2017-09-11T19:34:34+00:00August 15th, 2012|Blog, Dreams|Comments Off on Your dream can show you how you censor yourself and spoil your happiness

Keeping silent about your feelings may predispose you towards Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Meryl woke up often through the night with abdominal pain and cramping. During the day she often felt bloated and uncomfortable. It messed with her appetite and eating routines. The constant tenderness in her gut made her afraid of going outside her home and work place. She worried about being near rest rooms. She was embarrassed about leaving events frequently to visit the rest room with no apparent relief. She never told anyone and pretended all was well.

By |2019-01-12T00:08:21+00:00August 15th, 2012|Abusive Relationship Counseling, Anger Stress and Health, stress|Comments Off on Keeping silent about your feelings may predispose you towards Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Four ways to stop anger from making you impotent

In the next two weeks Dan's mood softened and he found himself wanting sex badly. He was irritable, short tempered and tired of his self-imposed celibacy. He found himself getting instantly aroused at work when female colleagues were near by. He was consumed with the thought of sex, preventing him from concentrating on work. It was time to resume having sex with his wife. Exciting and erotic images of sex with Cherie culminated in him taking the initiative one night. Her eager response was instantly arousing. No more foreplay was necessary. He was ready for intercourse. But just at that crucial moment he went limp.

By |2017-09-13T18:43:14+00:00August 15th, 2012|stress|Comments Off on Four ways to stop anger from making you impotent

How to get your loved one to prove their love without using anger

Despite five years of living with Martin, Tanya was still competing with Martin's mother for the top spot in his attentions. She wanted to feel his soft responsiveness - she Tanya wanted to be his one and only. She had a very clear picture of how things should be if Martin was truly committed to her The zoom lens in her mind zeroed in on Martin and Tanya holding hands in the forefront. All other family members were wallpaper in the background. A savage bile rose in Tanya's throat as she heard Martin talk to his mother on the phone. His patient, understanding and placating voice made Tanya want to cut the wire on the land line and smash up his cell phone.

By |2017-09-13T17:50:32+00:00August 14th, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on How to get your loved one to prove their love without using anger

Why 9 out of 10 Apologies Fail to Improve Relationships

How many times has a loved one apologized to you and then cancelled it by acting in the very same way as before? Does it just take the sting out it, leaving the wound open? Nine out of ten apologies do more to help the person making the apology than the person who needs and deserves a genuine apology. So how do you tell the difference between the 9 fakes and the 1 real deal? See if you can pick out the 1 true apology from the 10 types of apology below.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:23+00:00August 13th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on Why 9 out of 10 Apologies Fail to Improve Relationships
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