
How To Prove That You Are Not The Same As Your Partner’s Exes!

It's frustrating when your partner keeps expecting you to be the same loser as their ex partner or date. No matter how many times you remind your partner that you are different it doesn't seem to sink in. You feel weighted down by having to prove that you are better, more loving, more considerate and more honest. You are in a fight to show your good self but the burden of your partner's expectations is overwhelming. Before you erupt in a fit of pique at the blatant injustice of being tarred with the same bad brush learn how you can stop the unfair expectation in its tracks.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:23+00:00August 24th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on How To Prove That You Are Not The Same As Your Partner’s Exes!

How your dream can help you lose weight when nothing else works

Donna's struggle with her weight never ends. She always thinks of herself as fat and ugly. Whatever she does to control it never lasts and she is left feeling worse than ever before. When things are going badly for her she feels even fatter and uglier and just wants to walk away from her disgusting body. At rough times when nothing seems to be going right she feels that this is some punishment that she has to suffer just for being who she is. In fact she thinks it's like a repulsive birthmark that is stamped on her and can never be hidden or got rid of. It was during one of these bad times that Donna had a dream where she was pulling out hair from her mouth. The hair strands just went on and on and on. There was no end to it. It felt awful when she woke up.

By |2012-08-23T14:01:15+00:00August 23rd, 2012|Blog, Dreams|Comments Off on How your dream can help you lose weight when nothing else works

Migraine is triggered by years of unexpressed emotional pain

Bonnie was a hostage to migraine attacks. They lasted for hours and she was unable to do anything but lie down in bed until it passed. Sometimes her migraine was accompanied by nausea and other times by cramps or acid reflux. Treatments from herbalists, acupuncturists, nutritionists, homeopathic doctors, spiritual healers, medical doctors and meditation did nothing to stop the onset or reduce the severity of the pain and exhaustion that accompanied the episodes. But she enjoyed the care and concern the service providers showed, and came away feeling lighter and better.

By |2017-09-13T20:03:34+00:00August 23rd, 2012|stress|Comments Off on Migraine is triggered by years of unexpressed emotional pain

Stress and difficulty accepting help can make your hair fall out!

Nia’s shock turned to alarm and fear when hair fell out in the shower, and covered her pillow after long nights of fitful sleep. The back of her jackets and tops trapped her falling hair, sending her into a tail spin. Lack of appetite was a blessing in disguise because she lost weight without trying. Losing sleep was a nuisance but it meant that people would notice her haggard looks and offer some consoling words. But losing her hair in such large quantities was beyond her ability to fathom. She had heard about stress causing hair loss, but she never thought that a relationship breakup would do this to her body and appearance.

By |2017-09-13T19:52:52+00:00August 22nd, 2012|stress|Comments Off on Stress and difficulty accepting help can make your hair fall out!

How to use your dreams to benefit your waking life

Thirty-six year old Brandon's life began the day he got his realtors license three years ago. Everything in life was wonderful except for this strange dream that kept interfering with his happiness. In the dreams he was back at the dental clinic subbing during staff shortages. Brandon couldn't understand why he was dreaming about a job he hated, never gave a second thought to, and had run away from to become a realtor.

By |2017-09-13T18:17:48+00:00August 22nd, 2012|Blog, Dreams|Comments Off on How to use your dreams to benefit your waking life

What’s acid reflux and swollen ankles telling you about your career path?

Nadine’s dreams were about to come true. Her talents were prized and she felt giddy with excitement. Expressing her creativity felt authentic but scary. She dared to imagine being famous. She dared to imagine herself happily married with a family. She dared to imagine having it all. The only fly in the ointment was the continuous acid reflux, swollen ankles and puffy eyes. She was eating a healthy diet, had good energy and felt accomplished. Why would her body be reacting in this manner?

By |2017-09-13T18:02:48+00:00August 22nd, 2012|stress|Comments Off on What’s acid reflux and swollen ankles telling you about your career path?

How your dream can help you overcome bad memories that keep you stuck

As 2009 came to an end, Donna was struggling with the lack of motivation she felt at the thought of the same old Christmas and New Year rituals with family members. She didn't want to go through these meaningless experiences just to feel part of a family. Donna wanted to shake things up and have more choice in how the holiday time was spent. She also wanted to get away from pretending to feel grateful for whatever her parents had planned. Her desire to make some choices of her own and do things her way made her antsy. How was she going to organize it without upsetting the apple cart? Then came the dream that helped her with her conflict.

By |2017-09-13T18:02:08+00:00August 22nd, 2012|Blog, Dreams|Comments Off on How your dream can help you overcome bad memories that keep you stuck

Your dreams can tell you whether to keep trying to make things work with your family

Donna was heartbroken that all the time and energy she had devoted to building a relationship with her father seemed to end in tatters. Now she was angry and no longer willing to do anything to please him, just to stay on his radar. She didn't want to lose him completely either. She had a dilemma that troubled her. Should she give up on him and move on with her life, or should she just see him occasionally and keep her feelings to herself?Donna's dream gave her a wonderful image of strength and power, that no longer had to be a solid ball of anger inside her. Like the wax in her dream, it melted and with it took away the fears that had chained her for so long.

By |2017-09-13T19:45:12+00:00August 21st, 2012|Blog, Dreams|Comments Off on Your dreams can tell you whether to keep trying to make things work with your family

How your dream can free you of trying to get your parents’ approval

The dream haunted her. She found herself crying a lot. She looked up dream dictionaries and websites that devoted themselves to dream interpretation. All the while a pit in the bottom of her stomach nagged at her. She couldn't concentrate on her school work. She lost interest in the lives of her children. She was inside her own lonely fortress, keeping the world out, unable to feel secure in her daily routine. Eventually Celia came to consult with me. She told of the dream and drew the images. What Is The Reality Celia Has Been Avoiding? Celia had given her father ultimate authority to approve of her and make her happy. His were the only blessings that counted, his the only approval that mattered. She gave him all the power to dictate how she would experience life. She refused to take the reins of life in her own hands and give herself permission to be a woman in her own right, to be proud of herself and relish her accomplishments.

By |2017-09-11T20:06:01+00:00August 21st, 2012|Blog, Dreams|Comments Off on How your dream can free you of trying to get your parents’ approval

Do You Regret Rejecting a Possible Partner and Ending Up Alone and Scared?

Labor day weekend! Vivian was alone. Peace, quiet, rest and recreation. She didn’t have to put on her face and pretend to be perfect! What a relief to put that burden down just for a day or two. After a lazy morning Vivian ate a delicious lunch and read her novel, napping every so often. Bliss! Yet there was an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach. She was getting some acid reflux and there was an uneasy feeling in her bones. A sad anxiety took her mind away from the book. She began to get upset that no one ever asked her to spend holidays with them. Everyone was part of a couple and she was left out!

By |2017-09-13T18:37:55+00:00August 21st, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Dating, Intimacy|Comments Off on Do You Regret Rejecting a Possible Partner and Ending Up Alone and Scared?
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