
Are You Losing Loved Ones Because of Anger?

Has your loved one told you that they want nothing more to do with you until you learn how to manage your anger? Are you scared that you will lose your loved one for ever, be alone and miserable for the rest of your life? Do you wish you could just cut out that angry part of you and then live happily ever after? Then you must be feeling even more angry that you can't get rid of that angry monster inside you. Watch this video and learn why you are so angry that other people make relationships with you conditional on you taming your anger!

By |2017-09-13T20:39:41+00:00May 5th, 2014|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Are You Losing Loved Ones Because of Anger?

What Frowning Reveals About the Stress Level of Your Marriage

After nine years of marriage bringing up three children , thirty-two-year-old Maria faced each day reluctantly. Her body felt heavy and the thought of doing another endless round of chores at home and after school activities with her kids made her head and neck hurt. Her thirty-four-year-old husband Carl’s invitation to take her out to dinner barely blipped on her radar. She registered his intention to be kind and cheer her up but within 10 seconds of acknowledging it, her forehead creased up in a tightly knitted frown, just as it had been before he made the offer.

By |2016-12-29T20:02:17+00:00May 3rd, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, stress|Comments Off on What Frowning Reveals About the Stress Level of Your Marriage

Feeling Insecure In Your Relationship Makes You More Prone To Angry Outbursts

Out at a restaurant with thirty-nine-year-old beautician Pauline and their friends, he was upset that she seemed engrossed in a conversation with Mark about a basketball game. Feeling excluded and uninteresting to her, he got scared that she would soon leave him. The vision of Pauline abandoning him brought up intense anger. He goaded her all way home about her disinterest in him during the meal. No matter what reassurances Pauline offered, he was determined to make her admit that she didn’t care for him because he was so insecure in their relationship.

By |2017-09-13T19:50:34+00:00April 25th, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Feeling Insecure In Your Relationship Makes You More Prone To Angry Outbursts

What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About Your Marital Satisfaction?

Sleeping in the same bed with her partner Damien at night could be ‘heavenly’ or ‘beastly’ for thirty-seven-year-old florist, Annabel. Sometimes she wanted to mold her body around his, but at other times she felt suffocated by his very presence in the bed. At those times turning her back on him was the only way she could doze off.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:17+00:00April 18th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About Your Marital Satisfaction?

How To Behave When You Start Dating Again After A Break

Are you getting ready to re-enter the dating scene after a break or finding yourself newly single? Do you worry about what to say and how much to disclose in the first few dates? Maybe you are concerned about whether you are interesting enough to hold the attention of a prospective date! These are common worries and reflect some insecurity about yourself, perhaps because you have had bad experiences of dating. But, you have made the decision to date and you'd like some tips on the best way to approach it after reentering the dating scene. This video gives you the inside scoop on exactly how to be with yourself and your date so that you have the best chance of success in that moment and in the future if things work out.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:17+00:00April 11th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, separation counseling|Comments Off on How To Behave When You Start Dating Again After A Break

Stress From Guilt Worsens Allergies and Prevents Enjoyment of Life

Unable to have what she looked forward to, Maureen became anxious and stressed. Her allergies got worse and she had to stuff herself with Benadryl just to make it through the day. She worked hard for her money and now that she didn’t have dependent children or a boyfriend, she felt entitled to use it on herself. But she was either too busy or too sick to take advantage of her good position in life. After noticing that she continually missed out on her dreams, Maureen got angry and felt deprived. She felt as if life was taunting her with goodies and then snatching them away at the very moment she reached out for them.

By |2017-09-14T20:35:06+00:00April 7th, 2014|stress|Comments Off on Stress From Guilt Worsens Allergies and Prevents Enjoyment of Life

Unresolved Anger and Stress Keeps You Depressed Longer

It was eleven o’clock on a Tuesday morning, and Raul, a thirty-six-year-old property developer was struggling to keep his mind focused on the high powered meeting he had organized. He felt sluggish, his mind wandered and he could barely keep track of the agenda items he was supposed to bring to the table. For the last six months he had felt lethargic and uninterested in things that he usually enjoyed. He stopped playing squash with his best mate, and he rarely went out on Friday nights with his interior designer wife Pat to their favorite restaurant as they used to do. His day-to-day routine felt awkward, as if he were undertaking something foreign. His autopilot stopped working and he had to force himself to think hard about the simplest of things over and over again.

By |2017-09-13T18:15:24+00:00March 24th, 2014|Depression Counseling, stress|Comments Off on Unresolved Anger and Stress Keeps You Depressed Longer

Do You Have To Choose between Romance and a Good Mate?

Are you frustrated with having good people in your life but no one that sparks that romantic fire? Do you find yourself irresistibly attracted to someone who is hot and steamy, but does nothing for you in the friendship department? Perhaps you wonder whether you will ever find a person whom you could trust and rely on while also having good sex. It's probable that you are keeping these two needs so separate that you have to split yourself in half in order to satisfy both parts. But it doesn't have to be that way - if you figure out what purpose it serves to tear yourself into two pieces.

By |2018-10-15T23:28:18+00:00March 21st, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on Do You Have To Choose between Romance and a Good Mate?

Procrastinating About an Ambition May Be the Key To Authentic Success!

At 38 years of age April was divorced with two preteens and a boring job that paid the bills. But she was no nearer realizing her goals of becoming a fashion designer, with boutiques all over the world and the glitterati salivating for her next collection. She kept telling herself that one day she would go to college, get her fine arts degree and then set fire to the world with her brilliant clothes. Yet something always got in the way – the kids needed her – she was too tired to go to college and bring up her children – it cost too much – it would take too long – she was too old - no one would like her designs – she didn’t want to market her work – she didn’t have the money to invest in a business, and on it went. April was highly skilled in creating obstacles that felt insurmountable just when it seemed that there was no excuse for not following her dream.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:17+00:00March 14th, 2014|relationship issues|Comments Off on Procrastinating About an Ambition May Be the Key To Authentic Success!

Dealing With Jealousy When Your Partner is Attracted to Someone Else

Twenty-six year old salad bar manager Dominque’s stomach churned as she pictured her twenty-nine-year-old finance Terry, a copy editor, in a cozy chat with his colleague Brenda at their office party last month. There was something about the way they locked eyes and sidled up to one-and-other that sent jolts of bitter jealousy all through her body. Well, she wasn’t going to fade away into the background at Terry’s office party tonight, seething with jealousy, waiting to punish Terry on the ride home. This time she was going armed with an arsenal of weapons that were the perfect match for Brenda’s seductive qualities.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:17+00:00February 27th, 2014|Anxiety therapy|Comments Off on Dealing With Jealousy When Your Partner is Attracted to Someone Else
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