How to be independent and still be loved!
Two practical video tips from relationship expert and psychologist Dr. Jeanette Raymond on finding the right balance between asserting your independence in your relationship while still feeling connected.
Two practical video tips from relationship expert and psychologist Dr. Jeanette Raymond on finding the right balance between asserting your independence in your relationship while still feeling connected.
Faye wanted a big hug lingering hug so badly that when she was with a trusted friend who had offered it many times before, she asked for it and got it. It was wonderful to feel her friend’s arms holding her with the gentlest of pressure, and not letting go until Faye was ready. It brought tears to her eyes and made her feel like she was going to fall apart. The first wave of intense emotion scared her. She felt like she would cry forever and never recover her normal self again. She broke away from the embrace, embarrassed and out of control.
Walking on egg shells to avoid hurting others or having what you said come back to bite you saps your motivation to be in a relationship. It becomes work rather than a natural flow of communication that allows for each person to share what's on their mind. Discover the two benefits of being open and frank that will enhance and improve the relationship, while giving you the right to say what you want without censoring every word.
Fear of giving up your past and who you are in order to be loved messes up your chances of having a successful and stable relationship. Discover how to know, feel and believe that you are loveable while still retaining your troubled history and what it means for you.
Breath life into your imagined vision of a warm connection with this tip and avoid constant disappointments that make you cynical about investing in relationship. Use this expert relationship tip to help your vision take root and fulfill your joyful visions in the real world.
Female bladder infections can act as a break in physical intimacy when there are emotional issues that have not been addressed. Focusing on pain and discomfort distracts a couple from dealing with the misunderstandings that have been ignored. Learn how to tune into the emotional tensions before they interfere with physical intimacy and ruin a good partnership or marriage.
Couples who are matched in their levels of commitment get through the tough times by working it out or not caring. But where one partner has a high level of commitment to work through the bad times but the other isn't interested the result is hostility, instability and low satisfaction in the relationship. Discover three ways for both partners to develop a high level of commitment and strengthen the relationship.
Your affection may be spurned because your rhythms are out of synch with your loved one. There is a two-pronged strategy that will help create a sense of togetherness that promotes the right atmosphere for mutual affection. This video describes how to invite your partner to tune into your rhythms and be available for affection - in two easy steps that involve zero words, but the non-demanding body language.
Problems making decisions between two parts of you that want different things can cause stress leading to fever and body aches. The secret is in stopping the war inside you so that you don't have to be stuck in indecision and relationship problems as a result. Learn how to avoid getting sick rather than have to make impossible decisions.
If you are mad that you have to say the same thing one more time then you may be hitting the wrong target when you communicate with friends and loved ones. Find out how to use my two pronged communication approach that will hit the right note and engage your loved ones in ways that make them feel involved so that they want to pay attention.