
How Therapy Can Prevent Premature Aging By Tackling Stress and Depression

Anger and Stress Management Tips for Satisfying Relationships   At the age of 37 Brittany, a quality control manager, woke up each day wishing the night had lasted a little longer. That awful feeling of dread permeated her body with sweat. She had been slipping at work and the factory owners had noticed that she [...]

By |2017-09-11T17:13:42+00:00July 14th, 2015|stress|Comments Off on How Therapy Can Prevent Premature Aging By Tackling Stress and Depression

Do You and Your Partner Agree on Your Goals for Marriage?

Six months into their relationship, 35-year-old part time banker Simone’s patience was wearing thin. When if ever would 39-year-old reporter Miguel feel comfortable enough to propose marriage? She wanted to make sure she wasn’t dating a guy who would string her along and then quit. She thought she had done so by asking him directly and having got the answer she wanted, assumed it was just a matter of time. But there was no marriage proposal happened. Miguel spent more time away from Simone, and when he was around he was tired, played on his phone or went out with old friends. Yet he replied that he did want to marry but there were fears he had to overcome.

By |2017-09-13T20:55:49+00:00July 7th, 2015|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Couples Counseling, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on Do You and Your Partner Agree on Your Goals for Marriage?

Fastest Way to Recovering From an Anger-stress Induced Depression

Thirty-five-year-old plumber Tyler got angry with Gemma, his thirty-seven-year-old partner for inviting his brother over for the weekend pot-luck event. She knew that he didn’t get on with Roy but she kept trying to get them together. Tyler didn’t speak to Gemma unless it was absolutely necessary. He was civil in front of family and friends, but the stress was killing him. He was too tired to fight!

By |2017-05-22T22:20:16+00:00June 22nd, 2015|Depression Counseling|Comments Off on Fastest Way to Recovering From an Anger-stress Induced Depression

Four Ways To Understand a Sexless Marriage and Make it Work

What is a sexless marriage? Is it lack of intercourse, or lack of any sexual contact? Is affection a part of a sexless marriage, or is touching not allowed? Maybe a sexless marriage is when there is no sexual contact and intercourse for more than a year! Is it a lack of libido , or is it intercourse that is conducted as a ritual or routine duty?

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00June 16th, 2015|Anxiety therapy, Couples Counseling, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on Four Ways To Understand a Sexless Marriage and Make it Work

Why Men Who Fear Women Become Raging Bulls

Are you a man who is an obedient, loyal, dependable guy with your female partner? Do you give her the authority to make decisions, take the lead and initiative on parenting, spending money and organizing your social life? Then you may be very conficted about having no power yourself just so you can ensure that you are loved and cared for. Maybe you just don't know which part of you to go with? What will the consequences be if you take on a more authoritative role? How will it be if you continue to avoid asserting yourself? You know that inside you there is a raging bull ready to smash everything that smacks of needing to depend on your female partner for care.

By |2017-09-13T18:24:48+00:00June 11th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Why Men Who Fear Women Become Raging Bulls

The 5 Biggest Love Myths That Underpin Your Unhappiness

Most of us grow up with myths about what love is and ought to be like if it was real and trustworthy. We get it from fairy tales, love songs, country music, movies, folk lore and hearing our friends and family talk about their longings. We pay attention to the "happy ever after" ending in stories and dream that we too could be valuable and worthwhile enough to inspire that kind of devotional love. But inevitably we get disappointed, heartbroken, betrayed, abandoned, or have to share that love with others. We can't stand it and believe that it is not normal. Something is either wrong with the person we love, or something is wrong with us!

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00June 2nd, 2015|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on The 5 Biggest Love Myths That Underpin Your Unhappiness

Are You and Your Partner Getting Off on Addictive Rage?

west los angeles anger management for couples Jackson just found out that his partner Stacey has been keeping a secret about a friendship with a past romantic friend. It all came spilling out when he saw a text message on her phone while she was in the bathroom and he was getting ready for bed. Stunned, he gave Stacey the cold shoulder when they got into bed. But inside he was smoldering. The lightest touch from Stacey ignited his rage, setting off a cascade of accusations that he wanted her to plead guilty to. Enraged and humiliated about being duped, Jackson wanted to get back in control. One part of him wanted to beat the truth out of her and feel strong doing it, while another part of him wanted a denial so the relationship remained secure. It was hard to know which part of himself he should fight for. Furious at his audacity, Stacey yelled that he was overreacting Jackson went ballistic. He just saw a text that made it clear that something is going on between them. It looked suspicious. How could she pretend he made it up? Jackson’s head throbbed and he felt his heart racing as he began interrogating Stacey He imagined all the ways he had been kept in the dark and made a fool of. His imagination ran riot, and he wanted to get every last drop of “admission ” out of her. Desperate to calm him down and get to sleep, Stacey decided to answer his questions directly hoping it would do the trick. There was no risk for her since she had nothing to hide. But each time she answered him Jackson’s fire got stoked again. To him, it was as if she was proving that there was no smoke without fire!

By |2017-05-22T22:16:41+00:00May 29th, 2015|Couples Counseling|Comments Off on Are You and Your Partner Getting Off on Addictive Rage?

The Most Damaging Secrets You Keep From Your Partner

Is it an affair? NO Is it something shady from your past? NO Is it your past identity? NO Is it something about your parental or cultural heritage? N0 So what are these worms that eat away at your relationship, called secrets?

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00May 22nd, 2015|Anxiety therapy, Communication Issues, Communication Problems, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on The Most Damaging Secrets You Keep From Your Partner

How to Juggle a Demading Career and Marriage

Do you go to work each day feeling a bit guilty that you spent a few extra minutes in bed cuddling with your partner? Perhaps you get anxious on your way home from work, knowing that you stayed late to finish a project or deal with customer service problems. It's hard for you to give equal weight to your job and your marriage when they both mean a great deal to you. You don't like the feeling of having to take time from one part of your life to give to another, and it's a conflict that you can't seem to resolve. You know in your gut that your marriage is the key foundation that sustains you and makes you feel secure. So how can you make the time you spend with your partner special and free of work and other intrusions?

By |2016-12-29T15:31:13+00:00May 12th, 2015|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|Comments Off on How to Juggle a Demading Career and Marriage

Two Ways to Overcome the Anger When Your Partner Insists on Seeing You in a Negative Light

Do you feel frustrated and angry when other people like you, and see your worth, BUT your partner thinks you are a waste of space and is always complaining about you? Why be pushed and pulled, when you know who you really are and like it? All you get is insomnia, anxiety, pain and suffering. Maybe you have a wish that one day your partner will stop being blind and see what a treasure you are, and be eternally grateful! You know that it is unlikely, and that you can hope and wait for ever, OR you can take steps to fulfill that wish yourself. This video tells you how to do that by following 2 steps, on a consistent basis. Do it for yourself or work with me individually so that you can end your suffering.

By |2017-05-22T22:19:08+00:00May 6th, 2015|Couples Counseling|Comments Off on Two Ways to Overcome the Anger When Your Partner Insists on Seeing You in a Negative Light
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