
Lack of Desire For Your Partner

By |2016-12-13T05:19:12+00:00August 18th, 2016|Couples Counseling, couples therapy, relationship issues|

 Lack of Desire For Your Partner Does your relationship lack the physical intimacy you once enjoyed? Is there a lack of desire for sexual passion in your relationship? Physical intimacy may taper off as you and your relationship age. It may make the relationship feel stale, and lead to affairs in order to feel attractive [...]

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Fallen Out of Love? The Secret to Being in Love Again

By |2016-12-13T05:19:12+00:00August 9th, 2016|Communication Issues, Communication Problems, Couples Counseling, couples therapy, relationship issues|

  Fallen Out of Love? Here's How to Find it Again Does it seem that you have fallen out of love with your partner? Do you wonder why you are in a relationship with a partner who always makes you feel bad? Perhaps you fantasize about walking away as far as you can just to [...]

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Building a Basic Trust Creates True Love

By |2017-05-22T23:12:54+00:00August 1st, 2016|Couples Counseling, Insecurity Counseling|

Do you have a solid basic trust that your partner will share in your experience when you share something important? What’s the first image that comes into your mind when you imagine sharing your feelings or opinion? If it’s one of deflation, then you are missing the second most important feature of having the capacity to truly love, which is basic trust in the humanity of the other. Are you suspicious of your partner’s sincerity and genuineness when they are being ‘nice’ or generous? May be you are exasperated with your partner constantly doubting you and your motives, to the point of giving up on the attempt to connect and enjoy emotional intimacy. I bet that you have been in countless situations where you have made a real effort to listen and be supportive, but got received as if you were a fake. That hurt you and made you wonder “ what’s the point?” That basic trust you need to act on your desire is

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