
Getting Proof That Your Partner Is Committed To You

Do you get so frustrated with the uncertainty of not knowing whether your relationship is off or on that you consider making your partner jealous? Do you have visions of flirting with someone else just to get a reaction from your partner that will show you that you belong to them? Are you needing to test your partner and the bonds of your relationship by bringing in a potential rival so that your partner will claim you and be true to you forever more? That sounds exhausting and very unsatisfying? When will it be enough? Will you have to keep doing it every time you feel insecure? Think of the damage it could do to the relationship in the long run, and the stress that you have to endure to keep your security levels topped up?

By |2017-09-13T18:13:29+00:00October 19th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Anxiety Treatment, Communication Problems, Intimacy|Comments Off on Getting Proof That Your Partner Is Committed To You

Stop The Stress Of Conflict And Reconnect With Your Loved One

Does the stress of fighting with your loved one linger for hours if not days? Does the discomfort of the conflict turn into uncertainty about the status of the relationship? Then you must be aware that all that stress and anxiety clogs up the communication channels preventing transparency about how the relationship is faring from moment to moment. It’s an awful place when neither of you know what the other is thinking or feeling and so you jump to the worst case scenario, adding even more stress to an already charged situation. You are left holding your breath with anxiety about how things will turn out and what the long term damage will be to the nature of your connection. Why wait helplessly to find out how long the crack in the relationship will last or who if anyone should make the move to repair it? There is a much easier way to reestablish the connection you had before the conflict that can make you feel calmer, closer and more secure in the blink of an eye as Bridget and Patrick’s experience shows.

By |2017-09-14T20:38:31+00:00October 15th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Intimacy, relationship issues, stress|Comments Off on Stop The Stress Of Conflict And Reconnect With Your Loved One

Manage the stress of family tensions that cause abdominal pain

The first disappointment came when Nancy didn't want to go with Faith to planned social events. It was as if Nancy was ashamed to be associated with her. The second let down was harder to swallow. Nancy never asked about Faith's job, her relationship with Bruno, or their future plans. Nancy used Faith's house as a hotel and didn't bother with even the most basic of social graces. Any efforts on Faith's part to confide in Nancy met with the same critical hostility and dismissal that her mother doled out. There was no togetherness, no reminiscing, no sisterhood.

By |2017-09-11T20:21:26+00:00October 12th, 2012|Blog|Comments Off on Manage the stress of family tensions that cause abdominal pain

How To Tell If Your Partner Is Showing Genuine Love Or Not

Do you often wonder whether your partner is genuine in their expression of love? Are you reluctant to accept gestures towards you because you are not sure if it is done with passion or just to placate you? Then you are missing out on the pleasure of knowing for certain how your loved one feels about you. You can give yourself the comfort and security of knowing the ways in which men and women are identical in expressing love and the key ways in which they differ.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:20+00:00October 12th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|Comments Off on How To Tell If Your Partner Is Showing Genuine Love Or Not

Four ways to manage anger when you are taken for granted

Natalie took the hospitality for granted, and Shelly saw red. How could Natalie be so blind, insensitive and callous? Couldn't she tell how much she was hurting Shelly? Didn't Natalie know how much Shelly had put her life on hold to organize the visit? Wasn't it obvious how much money she had to borrow from Devon, and all the activities with friends and colleagues she had turned down? Shelly couldn't get over the fact that her well heeled sister would be so selfish, thoughtless and ungrateful. Her buttons were pushed a million times a day during that long weekend. But she never said a word.

By |2017-05-22T22:46:49+00:00October 10th, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Four ways to manage anger when you are taken for granted

How To Make Sure Your Date Turns Into a Positive Intimate Healthy Relationship.

The buildup to the date was always fraught with hope and visions of ‘clicking’ immediately, but Paula always came home disappointed. The dates either fizzled out or followed a predictable path of one-night stands. What angered Paula the most was that the plain girls seemed to get repeat dates that often led to engagements and marriage. She was furious that all her work to attract guys worked for just one date. What did the other girls have that she didn’t? They didn’t seem to have anything special or anything that she would want to emulate. Yet they had the intimate touches, companionship, and gentle humor that made Paula so envious!

By |2017-09-13T18:14:15+00:00October 8th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Dating, Intimacy|Comments Off on How To Make Sure Your Date Turns Into a Positive Intimate Healthy Relationship.

Six way to manage anger when you feel ignored

"One more song" his wife pleaded. Mordi was inflamed. Who was more important to Lola, her friends or her husband? That was the burning question that pushed and prodded at his hot buttons. He threatened to leave without her if she didn't chose him there and then! Embarrassed, Lola excused herself and left with Mordi. On the way home she asked " Why do you always have to spoil my fun?" "You promised we would go when I gave you the signal. You broke your promise. You made me mad. It's your fault." Mordi blamed him wife.

By |2017-09-13T17:24:20+00:00October 1st, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Six way to manage anger when you feel ignored

Do You Suffer In Silence In Order To Prove Your Love?

Were you brought up to believe that if you suffering is the road to earning love? Do you expect the same from your loved ones? If so your life may be all suffering and no love! Learn how to recognize, accept and receive love in ways that don't force others to be sacrifical nor turn you into a dried up lonely and angry family member.

By |2017-09-13T20:01:20+00:00October 1st, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|Comments Off on Do You Suffer In Silence In Order To Prove Your Love?

Manage your anger when your kids drive you nuts!

Josephine's heart sank. Yesterday morning her son had thanked her for the ride to school. Now that flash of gratitude and respect she received seemed like a mirage. Her hopes were dashed when she heard his abusive voice demanding a new cell phone after she had just bought him skiing lessons and the necessary equipment. Disappointment turned to rage as Josephine realized that her sixteen year old son Morgan had successfully manipulated her. He was intimately acquainted with her weak spot, and went for it with impunity.

By |2017-05-22T23:03:37+00:00September 28th, 2012|Parenting Counseling|Comments Off on Manage your anger when your kids drive you nuts!

How To Feel Included When You Feel Alone In a Group

Do you feel as if you are on a distant planet when you are with a group of friends or family? Are you lost and lonely not knowing how to get in and feel like you belong? Perhaps you feel like an invisible onlooker rather than an active participant? It's a sad and scary feeling, to be among people you like and love, yet feel so cut off. Maybe you wish someone would see how much you want to be included and bring you into the fold! The problem is that the people in the group have no idea how isolated you feel and think that you are comfortable on the sidelines.

By |2017-09-13T19:33:44+00:00September 28th, 2012|Intimacy|Comments Off on How To Feel Included When You Feel Alone In a Group
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