
Checklist to Tell if You Are In an Abusive Relationship

6 signs of abusive relationships If you are in an abusive relationship you probably don't know it. You don't recognize that your relationship is any different to others or to the one you grew up in. So here is a twelve item checklist to help you discover whether you are in an abusive relationship, so you don't have to suffer like the NFL'S Ray Rice's wife Jany, Ray McDonald's finance, Adrian Peterson's daughter, or Greg Hardy's domestic violence victims.

By |2017-05-22T22:13:15+00:00September 23rd, 2014|Abusive Relationship Counseling, Blog|Comments Off on Checklist to Tell if You Are In an Abusive Relationship

Imagine Couples Therapy with Ray Rice and His Wife!

The fact that Ray Rice's finance married him despite being physically abused, means that the relationship was and continues to be extremely important to her. When someone is more afraid of losing a relationship than of being abused, they live with stress and insecurity, trying hard to make sure never to anger their partner. But that doesn't mean they have to live like that forever more! Attending couples therapy can make both Ray and his wife relate on a level that keeps their marriage strong but without the threat or experience of physical, verbal or emotional abuse.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00September 19th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|Comments Off on Imagine Couples Therapy with Ray Rice and His Wife!

Six Ways to Defuse Your Anger When Your Children Fight

It's frustrating when your kids are constantly bickering and you have to be referee. choosing one side or the other often makes you feel bad,and guilty later on. You wish your kids could get on with one another and let you attend to all the other things on your plate. But they don't! They are not invested in harmony or collaboration. They want ownership and control over what they feel is 'right.' So they fight and argue. They battle till they draw blood. And that's when you lose it! One of your children gets hurt, is sobbing uncontrollably and you are now furious at having to take time out to care for the hurt child, chastise the other and somehow bring order to chaos. Your anger probably comes from being forced to intervene. Your expectations of peaceful play were shattered and now you have to take charge and undo the mess.

By |2017-09-11T17:06:45+00:00September 10th, 2014|Parenting Counseling|Comments Off on Six Ways to Defuse Your Anger When Your Children Fight

Five Benefits of Mindfulness

1. In his book 'The Mindful Brain', Daniel Siegel describes mindulfulness as being aware of your mind and it's processes, so that you are not operating on auto pilot. 2. Mindful awarness involves reflection of what you are thinking, doing and feeling so that you are conscious of the choices you are making, and can opt for different ones to better your moment to moment, day to day life. Benefit: when you feel irritated and angry you can sense it in your body, as you tune into your muscle tension, teeth clenching and sighing. You can then formulate words to describe your anger, and then share it in the moment. It is experienced as genuine and the interaction can be shaped to include your feelings, adapting the converstion accordingly. You don't store anger and it doesn't build up into stress that makes you sick.

By |2017-09-13T21:11:05+00:00September 3rd, 2014|stress|Comments Off on Five Benefits of Mindfulness

Six Things Men Want Their Women To Know But Are Too Afraid To Tell Them

Ladies, did you know that men aren't just interested in sex and actually want to play and have fun with you? Research published in July 2014 from Columbia University School of Public Health found that young men want emotional closeness and not just sex. The American Sociology Society reported in August 2014 that it is women who have affairs do so for the sex when their passions aren't met by their husbands - they aren't interested in emotional intimacy or divorce. When you get too serious about being the 'perfect' partner your man feels that he no longer means anything to you, except a trophy, a 'Mr. Fixit' or an object of sex - just so you get to feel like you are doing your duty as a ma

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00August 25th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Intimacy|Comments Off on Six Things Men Want Their Women To Know But Are Too Afraid To Tell Them

How to Create A Sense of Togetherness and Enjoy Emotional Intimacy

Most couples I see in my therapy office say they want to feel like they are 'on the same team' and 'on the same page', but when we explore how they live their lives, there is very little sign of togetherness. Couples usually divide up the jobs that need to get done, and want recognition for it. So they spend their times separate from one and other and only come together for the short moment to get a pat on the back. Couples try to get their ideas and strategies for making life smooth onto the top of the list, without collaborating and making a joint list where they both have a valuable place.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00August 18th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|Comments Off on How to Create A Sense of Togetherness and Enjoy Emotional Intimacy

Three Ways To Stand Up To Passive Aggressive People

Don't you just grit your teeth and want to tear your hair out with fury when your loved ones pretend they are not angry or upset, yet make snide remarks? Don't you feel that they are trying to be better than you, by trying to be in full control of their anger, only to let it out in far more cruel ways? Aren't you longing to get them to show their rage and be equally human with you? If so then you want to have a more authentic and intimate relationship, which involves being open and upfront with your emotions, including anger.

By |2017-05-02T13:53:33+00:00August 11th, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Three Ways To Stand Up To Passive Aggressive People

Four Ways Emotional Intimacy Benefits Your Health

Emotional closeness in a relationship is the key to a stable, secure and satisfying connection that makes a couple more resilient to the stresses and strains of living together. Here are a few benefits that emotional intimacy can provide for couples over the long term: One of the main benefits of intimacy is that it releases the hormone oxytocin which promotes bonding and solidifies the relationship, boosting optimal health.

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00August 4th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, relationship issues|Comments Off on Four Ways Emotional Intimacy Benefits Your Health

Three ways to help your child with stress

WHY SHOULD YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR CHILD'S STRESS? 1. STRESS MAKES KIDS SICK AS ADULTS An article reported in Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2009, indicated that childhood stress that went unoticed and untreated resulted in chronic sickness when these children grew up. A further study published in Neuropsychopharmacology, 2010 revealed that chronic stress resulting in unhappy chilhoods resulted in an elevated inflammatory response to adult stress, weakening the immune system. 2. STRESS MAKES KIDS ANXIOUS AND DEPRESSED WHEN THEY REACH ADULTHOOD

By |2017-05-22T22:27:38+00:00July 29th, 2014|stress|Comments Off on Three ways to help your child with stress

Five Tips on How To Conquer The Fear of Commitment – Part 2

Which of these options represents your view of commitment? Jail where you give someone someone else the authority in order to make sure you get loved OR Agreement to join forces and walk together along a chosen path, giving and receiving love while maintaining your autonomy. If your heart sank when you chose the first option then you must be fearful of committing and resent having to do it in order to get loved. You don't have to fear that type of commitment any longer. It's all about your perception of commitment - this video shows you how to change it to one where you maintain authority over yourself while allowing yourself to step in and out of another person's life and vice versa.

By |2016-12-29T15:32:05+00:00July 21st, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|Comments Off on Five Tips on How To Conquer The Fear of Commitment – Part 2
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