
Is your chronic fatigue linked to stress and painful emotions?

The diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome stunned Patsy and her husband. How could she have this condition for which there was no physical cause? It just didn’t make sense that her body was suffering real exhaustion and lack of energy when every organ and system was working efficiently. Patsy felt accused of malingering. She felt ashamed to speak about her constant fatigue without having a medical reason for it. Unable to handle the implication that she was a bit ‘screwed up’ and weak, Patsy refused to join a support group. She decided to struggle on and push past the exhaustion.

By |2017-09-13T17:52:50+00:00August 11th, 2012|stress|Comments Off on Is your chronic fatigue linked to stress and painful emotions?

Angry that your partner isn’t who you signed up for?

There was no happy smile. There was no light in her eyes. There was no bear hug. There was no gasp of welcoming delight. Jeremy's expectation of a warm and affectionate homecoming was decimated. Wasn't it only yesterday that they had exchanged messages of longing to see one another? Wasn't it only a minute ago that his whole body was throbbing in anticipation of feeling held by his wife as if he was her most precious possession? What could have changed in such a short time? Shock, disappointment and anger began to rise up and choke him.

By |2017-09-13T17:48:36+00:00August 11th, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on Angry that your partner isn’t who you signed up for?

Five ways to manage the anger of getting dumped by your loved one.

Why Does Sharon Reject the Very Thing She Wants? Because she wants two different things at the same time. The trouble is she is only aware of one of them- wanting a nice guy and a successful relationship. But there is also something else she craves and that is to feel powerful, and in charge of her life. She isn't in touch with her need for power, so she can't figure out why she keeps sabotaging good relationships. She is mystified as to why what seems wonderful at the beginning turns sour very soon afterwards.

By |2017-09-11T17:24:24+00:00August 11th, 2012|Breakups and Separation|Comments Off on Five ways to manage the anger of getting dumped by your loved one.

Are you worrying yourself into insomnia?

Simple jobs that took fifteen minutes now seemed to take over two hours and slowed down the entire creative process. Colleagues withdrew as she became increasingly irritable and impatient. Meredith tried to compensate by putting in longer hours but that made matters worse. Her work load increased as mistakes piled up. She had to face the fact that her erratic sleep pattern was having a disastrous effect on her performance.

By |2017-09-13T17:45:51+00:00August 11th, 2012|stress|Comments Off on Are you worrying yourself into insomnia?

How To Manage Doubt and Loneliness After You Have Broken Up With Your Partner

So you finally got up the nerve to break up with your partner who just wasn't a good fit! The relief is wonderful, but in creeps some doubt, some guilt, some loneliness! The stress is overwhelming! You notice a hole in your life that gets bigger, and that makes you wonder if you did the right thing. You go back and for with wanting to get back together and enjoying the relief of not having to take care of someone else's feelings. How do you fill that hole and feel good about your decision to do what was right for you?

By |2017-09-13T17:08:26+00:00August 10th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Breakups and Separation, separation counseling|Comments Off on How To Manage Doubt and Loneliness After You Have Broken Up With Your Partner

Cure insomnia by dealing with anger and relationship stress

Sleepless nights turned into weeks of irritability and stress. He wished he could stop worrying about his girlfriend’s commitment to their relationship. The thought of restful sleep was alluring, but anxiety kept his mind spinning. He went over their conversations imagining the outcome if he had said one thing rather than another. He was trying to undo mistakes in his mind, or he was way ahead in the future preparing for bad things that may happen. All the good sleep hygiene rules that he followed failed to help him relax and fall asleep. He found it hard to relax and enjoy any moment for fear he would take his eye off the ball and land up in a big mess. Stress induced insomnia, brought on more stress and that in turn made sleeping less likely.

By |2017-09-13T17:57:43+00:00August 10th, 2012|stress|Comments Off on Cure insomnia by dealing with anger and relationship stress

Is anger the cause of your skin breakouts?

Jeff the Spa manager asked to speak to Maggie the next day as she started her shift. He wanted to get the skinny on what was brewing among the staff. He trusted Maggie and let her know that her cooperation would be remembered and rewarded. Maggie wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. She didn't want to snitch, nor did she want to keep Jeff in the dark. He was good to her, and he was paying her salary. She tried to change the subject and talk about new ideas to improve the services of the spa. The phone rang just in time. She escaped, but her face, neck and arms broke out in a raw, red itchy rash.

By |2017-09-13T18:19:19+00:00August 9th, 2012|stress|Comments Off on Is anger the cause of your skin breakouts?

Five Ways to Find and Keep Available Partners Without Sabotaging Yourself!

Sharon enjoyed the flirting until Rudolph asked if she'd like to go out with him on a date. In the blink of an eye she said "Oh, I can't. I'm really tied up and I'm not sure when I'll be free." It was as if Rudolph had pushed a panic button inside her and she had to destroy everything in her path to escape the danger that erupted out of nowhere. Relief swept over Sharon as she drove home. But she couldn't sleep. During the next few days she felt that old familiar sadness overwhelm her again. If only Rudolph would call. When he had walked over to her at the party she had come alive. He was just the sort of man she wanted, reasonably good looking, clean shaven, self-assured and seemingly well off. She smiled thinking about how she played hard to get before she allowed him to catch her.

By |2017-09-14T20:28:02+00:00August 8th, 2012|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy|Comments Off on Five Ways to Find and Keep Available Partners Without Sabotaging Yourself!

How to Use Entrepreneurial Strength to Manage Stress

Assuming many roles creates ambiguity leading to stress Type A personality stress is rampant in entrepreneurs and solopreneurs. The most common source of stress that entrepreneurs face is role stress. The many different roles that you take on and manage simultaneously are not always compatible with one another and require different skills, pacing and levels of creativity versus structured thought and planning. You are faced with many competing demands. Competing demands set up conflicts that aren’t speedily or easily resolved.

By |2017-09-13T18:40:54+00:00August 5th, 2012|Blog|Comments Off on How to Use Entrepreneurial Strength to Manage Stress

How to save yourself from your self-destructive anger- masochistic anger part 1

A sense of loss invaded Conrad’s mood. He couldn’t allow himself to wallow in sadness, and anger borne of protest. He pulled himself together and set about getting on with the tasks of the day. As the hours flowed, Conrad felt ‘bunged up’ and irritable. He was curt in his interactions. He didn’t want to talk about or share his happy experience from yesterday. It was as if it had never happened. He put the brakes on the pleasant memories by multi-tasking and focusing on accomplishing the items on his agenda. Better to spend energy on things for which there was a tangible result than relive moments from his liberating experience of the day before. The latter only led to anger that he had been prematurely wrenched away from a rejuvenating source.

By |2017-09-11T20:28:08+00:00August 5th, 2012|Anger Management Counseling|Comments Off on How to save yourself from your self-destructive anger- masochistic anger part 1
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