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Three Ways to Discuss Finances And Keep the Relationship Smooth!

By |2016-12-29T15:31:48+00:00December 9th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Communication Issues, relationship issues|

How often has money become a deal breaker in your relationship? It happens a lot, doesn't it ! Either you don't agree on how the money should be spent, or who deserves to make the choice. Money is often the heat that inflames a relationship where there is already some tension and power differentials. When one partner gives money to the other, or other people in a unilateral fashion, all sorts of insecurities and stresses build up. Conflict becomes a permanent feature of interactions and the underlying motivations are lost. So here are a few of the hidden motivations behind using money to manage relationships.

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Five Ways to Shift From the “I” Body Language to the “We” Stance in Your Relationship

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00October 31st, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Communication Issues, Communication Problems, Intimacy, relationship issues|

Do you know what messages your body language gives your partner? Do you know how to read the signals of defense rather than togetherness? When you are fighting for your point of you, to be made right, and win the battle, then your relationship is in jeopoardy. So alert yourself to the behaviors that stress the "I" part of you, where the couple part is demoted. Then tune into the behaviors that stress the "we" part of the couple so your relationship can survive and thrive.

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Four Ways Emotional Intimacy Benefits Your Health

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00August 4th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, relationship issues|

Emotional closeness in a relationship is the key to a stable, secure and satisfying connection that makes a couple more resilient to the stresses and strains of living together. Here are a few benefits that emotional intimacy can provide for couples over the long term: One of the main benefits of intimacy is that it releases the hormone oxytocin which promotes bonding and solidifies the relationship, boosting optimal health.

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Why Does Your Partner Make No Room For You When You Try to Get Close?

By |2016-12-13T05:19:13+00:00July 7th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Intimacy, relationship issues|

Are you locked out of your partner's heart no matter how hard you try to make contact? Do you retaliate by locking them out too? Then you are trapped in a cycle of never connecting and feeling insecure and stressed about the status of your relationship. BUT imagine how different it could be if you discovered the fears that your partner had of letting you in close! WHAT IF you could peek into their inner sanctum and learn how scared they were of you seeing their most private parts? YOU COULD FIND WAYS TO KNOCK ON THE DOOR AND BE WELCOMED IN YOU COULD REDUCE THE FEAR AND GET A FOOTHOLD INTO THEIR SOUL YOU COULD GAIN EMOTIONAL INTIMACY, FEEL WANTED, IMPORTANT, SPECIAL AND TREASURED.

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The Real Fear Behind Fear of Committment

By |2017-09-11T19:42:21+00:00June 11th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, relationship issues|

Are you longing to feel like you have a partner that is a good fit and that you are finally settling down, but wonder why you can't commit? Do you find that the person you are attracted to seems inviting and loving, but that you have doubts about whether there is someone out there even more suitable? Then you are caught in a conflict about what attachment and commitment means to you. One part of you is in touch with the comfort, the love and attention, the togetherness and the bliss of feeling close. But another part of you is scared you will have to give up your right to think for yourself and be your own person. So you end up regretting decisions you make to commit because as soon as you do, it's as if you have just given yourself a term of life in jail.

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How to Make the Most Out of Giving and Receiving Apologies in Close Relationships?

By |2016-12-13T05:19:17+00:00May 30th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Intimacy, relationship issues|

Whenever thirty-six-year-old Danny saw his twenty-nine-year-old partner Liz upset and crying about something he didn’t do, or something expectation he hadn’t met, he would start to feel guilty and ashamed and obey her demands for an apology. He wanted her to stop crying and rescue him from the guilt and shame. He wasn’t really interested in her feelings and how she interpreted his behavior. Each time he apologized she got more angry and would either shut down or berate him even more. Danny floundered, not knowing what to do next or how to keep their connection intact. When he felt aggrieved with Liz for not appreciating his thoughtfulness or his help around the house, he wouldn’t tell her about it. He wanted her to feel bad and apologize for snubbing him, but he wasn’t going to ask. He imagined how sweet it would be when she eventually ate humble pie and begged him to take the apology and resume normal relations

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Constant Arguments With Family and Friends Shorten Your LIfe

By |2016-12-13T05:19:17+00:00May 14th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, relationship issues|

At the age of fifty three Simon dropped dead one evening while sitting on the settee with a drink to unwind after his long and tense day. His three teenage children didn’t notice as they ran around absorbed in their cell phones, while his fifty year old wife Renee busied herself in the kitchen preparing dinner. Success in his limousine business had been hard to come by, but for the last 5 years he grew his customer base and brought home more money. The family home was just the way he and Renee had planned and he had a good network of support in his family and community. He belonged to the local gym, and liked to watch NASCAR racing with his friends. But one thing never got any better – that is the demands made on him by his wife, children, extended family and business partner.

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What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About Your Marital Satisfaction?

By |2016-12-13T05:19:17+00:00April 18th, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Communication Problems, Intimacy, relationship issues|

Sleeping in the same bed with her partner Damien at night could be ‘heavenly’ or ‘beastly’ for thirty-seven-year-old florist, Annabel. Sometimes she wanted to mold her body around his, but at other times she felt suffocated by his very presence in the bed. At those times turning her back on him was the only way she could doze off.

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Do You Have To Choose between Romance and a Good Mate?

By |2018-10-15T23:28:18+00:00March 21st, 2014|Anxiety therapy, Intimacy, relationship issues|

Are you frustrated with having good people in your life but no one that sparks that romantic fire? Do you find yourself irresistibly attracted to someone who is hot and steamy, but does nothing for you in the friendship department? Perhaps you wonder whether you will ever find a person whom you could trust and rely on while also having good sex. It's probable that you are keeping these two needs so separate that you have to split yourself in half in order to satisfy both parts. But it doesn't have to be that way - if you figure out what purpose it serves to tear yourself into two pieces.

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Procrastinating About an Ambition May Be the Key To Authentic Success!

By |2016-12-13T05:19:17+00:00March 14th, 2014|relationship issues|

At 38 years of age April was divorced with two preteens and a boring job that paid the bills. But she was no nearer realizing her goals of becoming a fashion designer, with boutiques all over the world and the glitterati salivating for her next collection. She kept telling herself that one day she would go to college, get her fine arts degree and then set fire to the world with her brilliant clothes. Yet something always got in the way – the kids needed her – she was too tired to go to college and bring up her children – it cost too much – it would take too long – she was too old - no one would like her designs – she didn’t want to market her work – she didn’t have the money to invest in a business, and on it went. April was highly skilled in creating obstacles that felt insurmountable just when it seemed that there was no excuse for not following her dream.

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